Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Philippe Chartier and Nicolas Crouseilles invited Eric Sonnendrücker (IPP Max Planck) for one week in june 2016.

  • Nicolas Crouseilles and Mohammed Lemou invited Shi Jin and Liu Liu (university of Wisconsin) for two weeks in june 2016.

  • Arnaud Debussche invited Martina Hofmanova (TU Berlin) for one week in november 2016.

  • Erwan Faou invited Chuchu Chen (Michigan state university) for two weeks in november 2016.

Visits to International Teams

Research Stays Abroad
  • Philippe Chartier was invited for a one-week working visit by Gilles Vilmart, university of Geneva (Switzerland).

  • Nicolas Crouseilles was invited for a one-week working visit by Gilles Vilmart, university of Geneva (Switzerland).

  • Arnaud Debussche was invited at SNS Pisa (Italy) for two periods of one week in april and november 2016.

  • Erwan Faou was invited in the university of Trondheim (Norway) in october 2016.