Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
We have been successful in many calls: ERC PoC project SOM (Jan Ramon leader), ANR project GRASP (Pascal Denis leader), ANR project PAMELA (Marc Tommasi is the scientific coordinator), ANR project REM (Pascal Denis local leader), ADEME project MUST (Jan Ramon leader), Inria Associate Team LEGO (Aurélien Bellet local leader).
Scientific advances have been recognized by the community, in top ranked conferences and journals such as ICML, NIPS, JMLR, EMNLP, EACL and IJCAI.
Chloé Braud , who was supervised by Pascal Denis from 2012 to 2015, received the 2016 PhD Award from ATALA, the French NLP association.
Paul Vanaesebrouck , who was supervised par Aurélien Bellet and Marc Tommasi , has reveived the “Grand Prix du stage de Recherche” from École Polytechnique Paris for his internship in Magnet (see Section 7.1).