Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Nucha worked on the project “Topology Driven Visualisation of Scientific Data”, along with G-P. Bonneau.
Santiago is doing research in watercolor rendering of 3D animation and environments, developing new stylization approaches and enforcing direct stylization frameworks in expressive rendering. His research interests include expressive/non-photorealistic rendering, computer animation, real-time rendering and image processing.
Visits to International Teams
Sabbatical programme
Institution: Université de Montréal (Canada)
During his stay in Montreal, C.Soler has worked in Collaboration with D.Nowrouzezahrai and P.Poulin (U.of Montreal) and Guillaume Lavoué (Université Lyon-I), on two projects associated to material appearance capture and characterisation. At the time of writing these two projects are actively followed by all partners and publications will be submitted to ACM Transaction on Graphics within a few months. C.Soler has also presented his work in the seminar of the DIRO in October 2015.