Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Joëlle Thollot and Georges-Pierre Bonneau are both full Professor of Computer Science. Romain Vergne is an associate professor in Computer Science. They teach general computer science topics at basic and intermediate levels, and advanced courses in computer graphics and visualization at the master levels. Nicolas Holzschuch teaches advanced courses in computer graphics at the Master level. In addition, Romain Vergne teached an advanced course on "perception & graphics" at the spring school of Ôkhra (Roussillon).
Licence: Joëlle Thollot, Automates finis, 27h, L3 cursus alternance, ENSIMAG, France
Licence: Joëlle Thollot, Théorie des langages, 18h, L3, ENSIMAG, France
Master: Joëlle Thollot, Responsable du cursus en alternance, 48h, L3-M1-M2, ENSIMAG, France
Master: Joëlle Thollot, Tutorat d'apprentis, 48h, L3-M1-M2, ENSIMAG, France
PhD in progress: Guillaume Loubet, Représentations efficaces de l'apparence sous-pixel, Université de Grenoble, October 2010, Fabrice Neyret
PhD defended: Léo Allemand-Giorgis, Visualisation de champs scalaires guidée par la topologie, October 2012, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann. Defense
PhD in progress : Aarohi Johal, Algorithmes de génération automatique d'arbres de construction à partir de modèles géométriques CAO B-Rep, September 2013, Jean-Claude Léon, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, thèse CIFRE EdR R&D.
PhD in progress : Benoit Arbelot, Etudes statistiques de forme, de matériaux et d'environnement pour la manipulation de l'apparence, October 2013, Joëlle Thollot, Romain Vergne.
PhD in progress: Alexandre Bleron, Stylization of animated 3D scenes in a painterly style, October 1, 2015, Joëlle Thollot, Romain Vergne, Thomas Hurtut.
Nicolas Holzschuch was in the jury for the PhD defenses of Boris Raymond (Bordeaux), Thomas Subileau (Toulouse), and the "HDR" of Lionel Simonot (Physique, Poitiers).
Joëlle Thollot has been a member of the jury for the PhD of Pierre-Luc Manteaux (Oct 2016 - UGA), Ulysse Vimont (dec 2016 - UGA), Jordane Suarez (dec 2016 - Paris 8).