Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • Project ARCIR ESTIREZ “Estimation distribuée de systèmes dynamiques en réseaux”, coordinators: D. Efimov, M. Petreczky, 2013−2017.

  • CPER DATA 2016-2020 (involved in two projects: “FIT” related to the wireless robots and sensors network and “DATA”, related to platform). FIT includes our robotic activity and DATA corresponds to our computation need in fluid mechanics as well as possible security issues in the ControlHub development platform.

  • ELSAT20202 (Ecomobilité, Logistique, Sécurité, Adaptabilité dans les Transports) is a Regional consortium gathering aeronautics (ONERA), micro/nano technologies (IEMN), control sciences (Non-A) and fluid mechanics (LAMIH, LML) and working on technologies and methods for the active control of separated flows.