Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Collaborations with Major European Organizations

  • Partner 1: KULeuven, labo 1 (Belgium)

  • Supervisor: W. Michiels

  • Partner 2: TU/Eindhoven, labo 1 (The Netherlands)

  • Supervisor: H. Nijmeijer

  • Partner 3: Centrale Lille, labo 1 (France)

  • Supervisor: J.-P. Richard

H2020 project UCoCoS (“Understanding and Controlling of Complex Systems”, 2016-2020) is a European Joint Doctorate aiming at creating a framework for complex systems, and at defining a common language, common methods, tools and software for the complexity scientist. It strongly relies on a control theory point of view. Six ESR (early stage researchers) perform a cutting-edge project, strongly relying on the complementary expertise of the 3 academic beneficiaries and benefiting from training by 4 non-academic partners from different sectors. ESR1: Analytical and numerical bifurcation analysis of delay-coupled systems; ESR2: Estimation in complex systems; ESR3: Grip on partial synchronization in delay-coupled networks; ESR4: Reduced modelling of large-scale networks ; ESR5: Network design for decentralized control ; ESR6: Networks with event triggered computing. Non-A is firstly invested on ESR 2 (Haik Silm), 4 (Quentin Voortman), 5 (Deesh Dileep), 6 (Jijju Thomas).