Section: Application Domains
Robots and networked systems
Inria Lille and team FUN are hosting an “equipment of excellence”, named FIT-IoT lab. It gives a remote access to thousands of wireless sensors to be connected with hundreds of mobile robots. Today, many sensor scenarios are available, with few robot testbeds.
The package SLIM, developed by Non-A under ROS (Robot Operating System) with the support of an Inria ADT, aims at contributing to this environment. The self deployment of autonomous groups of mobile robots in an unknown and variable environment is a next step for IoT-lab, involving localization, path planning and robust control problems. Our ROS package SLIM aims at combining various algorithms developed by Non-A (localization, path planning, robust control). It should also offer a software library for multi-robot including: optimal local planner based on flatness; plugin for communication between different ROS cores; module Multi-Mapping for robot cooperation; plugin for YEI IMU.