Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: D. Efimov, Laboratory works in automatics, 20 h, EC de Lille.
Licence: D. Efimov, Practical works in automatics, 28 h, ISEN, Lille.
Licence: D. Efimov, Laboratory works in discrete systems, 20 h, ENSAM, Lille.
Licence: R. Ushirobira, Travaux Pratiques en Automatique, 8 h, U. Lille 1, France.
Licence: R. Ushirobira, Travaux Pratiques en Automatique, 24 h, EC-Lille, France.
Licence: R. Ushirobira, Travaux dirigés/Travaux Pratiques en Automatique, 12 h+9 h, U. Lille 1.
Master: D. Efimov, Analysis of dynamical systems, 24 h, U. Lille 1.
Master: R. Ushirobira, Travaux Pratiques en Automatique, 32 h, U. Lille 1.
PhD: Hafiz Ahmed, “Modeling and synchronization of biological rhythms: from cells to oyster behavior”, 2013-2016, supervisors: D. Efimov, R. Ushirobira and D. Tran
PhD: Zilong Shao, “Oscilatory control of robot manipulator”, EC Lille, 2012-2016, supervisors: D. Efimov, W. Perruquetti, G. Zheng
PhD in progress: Haik Jan Davtjan, “Estimation in complex systems”, EC Lille, 2016, UCoCoS EU project, supervisors: D. Efimov, J.-P. Richard
PhD in progress: Maxime Feingesicht, “Dynamic Observers for Control of Separeted Flows”, Ecole Centrale de Lille, 2015, supervisors: J.-P. Richard, F. Kerherve, A. Polyakov
PhD in progress: Nadhynee Martinez Fonseca, “Non-asymptotic control and estimation problems in robotic system designed for manipulation of micro-organisms”, National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, 2015-now, supervisors: I. Chairez-Oria, A. Polyakov
PhD in progress: Tatiana Kharkovskaya, “Interval Observers for Distributed Parametr Systems”, ITMO University-EC Lille, 2015, supervisors: D. Efimov, J.-P. Richard and A. Kremlev
PhD in progress: Langueh Désiré Kokou, “Inversion a gauche, singularités d'inversion, immersion et formes normales pour les systèmes dynamiques”, 2015, supervisors: T. Floquet, G. Zheng
PhD in progress: Gabriele Perozzi, “Save exploration of aerodynamic field by microdron”, Onera-Region, 2015, supervisors: D. Efimov, J.-M. Biannic and L. Planckaert
PhD in progress: Francisco Lopez-Ramirez, “Control and estimation via implicit homogeneous Lyapunov function”, Inria, 2015, supervisors: D. Efimov, W. Perruquetti and A. Polyakov
PhD in progress: Guillaume Rance, “Asservissement paramétrique de systèmes flexibles à retard et application aux viseurs”, CIFRE Safran Electronics & Defense, 2014, supervisors: A. Quadrat, A. Quadrat, H. Mounier
PhD in progress: Haik-Jan Silm, “Estimation in complex systems”, 2016, supervisors: D. Efimov, R. Ushirobira, W. Michels, J.-P. Richard
PhD in progress: Yue Wang, “Development of a blimp robot for indoor operation”, EC Lille, 2016, supervisors: D. Efimov, W. Perruquetti, G. Zheng
Master: Boussad Abci, EC Lille, 2015-2016, supervisors: D. Efimov, J.-P. Richard
Master: Rabehi Djahid, EC Lille, 2015-2016, supervisors: D. Efimov, J.-P. Richard
A. Quadrat was an Examiner Member of the PhD Thesis of Mohamed Belhocine, “Modélisation et analyse structurelle du fonctionnement dynamique des systèmes électriques”, ENS Cachan. He was also a Member of Recruiting Committee for a MCF CNU 26-27 position at the University of Limoges.
J.-P. Richard was an Examiner Member of the PhD Thesis of Arvo Kaldmae (Estonia), “Design of discrete-time and delayed nonlinear systems”, of Lucien Etienne (Italy), “Elements of observation and estimation for networked control systems”, and of Zilong Shao (Centrale Lille) “Identification and control of position-controlled robot arm in the presence of joint flexibility”.
R. Ushirobira was a Member of Recruiting Committee for a MCF CNU 61 position at CNAM (Paris) and for a MCF CNU 61 position at ENSAE (Cergy).