Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: Hélène Sauzéon, “General Cognitive Psychology”, 18h, L2/L3, University of Bordeaux, France

  • Licence: Hélène Sauzéon, “Cognitive Neuropsychology”, 7h, DU, University of Bordeaux, France

  • Master: Hélène Sauzéon, “Cognitive Fonctions in Context”, “Technologies for Handicap and Autonomy”, “Virtual Reality and Health Applications”, 60h, M1/M2, University of Bordeaux, France

  • Master: Charles Consel, “Telephony Over IP”, 43h, M2, Bordeaux INP, France.

  • Master: Charles Consel, “Software Engineering for Smart Spaces”, 10h, M2, Bordeaux INP, France.

  • Master: Charles Consel, “Ubiquitous Computing”, 10h, M2, Bordeaux INP, France.


  • Charles FAGES, “Design and Experimental Validation of a Technological Assistant for School Inclusion of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Mainstream Classrooms”, University of Bordeaux, defended on May 30th 2016, co-directed by Hélène Sauzéon and Charles Consel.

  • Lucile DUPUY, “Design and validation of a home-based digital assistant for seniors with slight autonomy decline” , University of Bordeaux, defended on November 30th 2016, co-directed by Hélène Sauzéon and Charles Consel.

  • Cécile MAZON, “Personalization and evaluation of a digital assistant for school inclusion of college students with autism and/or intellectual disability”, University of Bordeaux, started in September 2016, co-directed by Hélène Sauzéon and Charles Consel.

  • P.A. CINQUIN, “Design and validation of a reader accessible to persons with cognitive troubles for a e-learning system”, University of Bordeaux, started in September 2016, co-directed by Hélène Sauzéon and Pascal Guitton.


Hélène Sauzéon was member of the thesis committee for:

  • Lucile Burger, for her thesis in Psychology called “Effect of training executive functions on appropriate usage of memory strategies during ageing : a behavioural and electrophysiological study”, University of Tours, on December 9 2016.

  • Caroline Pigeon, for her thesis in Neuropsychology called “Mobilisation attentionnelle des piétons aveugles : Effets de l’âge, de l’antériorité de la cécité et de l’aide à la mobilité utilisée”, University of Lyon 2, on December 6th 2016.

Nic Volanschi was member of the thesis committee for Milan Kabac for his thesis in Computer Science called “A Design-Driven Methodology for the Development of Large-Scale Orchestrating Applications”, University of Bordeaux, on September 26th 2016.