Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees

Hélène Sauzéon was member of the organizing committee of the workshop “Journées d’étude du vieillissement cognitif”, Bordeaux, 2016.

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Charles Consel was member in the PC of the IEEE 2nd International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC 2016).

Hélène Sauzéon was member in the PC of the workshop “Journées d’étude du vieillissement cognitif”, Bordeaux, 2016.


Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Hélène Sauzéon was solicited as a reviewer for the Journal of Cognitive Psychology and the British Journal of Psychology.

Invited Talks

Charles Consel gave the following invited talks:

  • Invited talk on HomeAssist at ORCATECH, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, USA. August 2016.

  • Invited talk on “DiaSwarm – Orchestration of Masses of Sensors at the International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications”, Paris, France. May 2016.

  • Invited talk on “DiaSwarm – Orchestration of Masses of Sensors” at Northeastern University, Boston, USA. May 2016.

  • Invited talk on “DiaSwarm – Orchestration of Masses of Sensors” at Galois Inc., Portland, USA. August 2016.

  • Invited talk on HomeAssist at “Journées Inria Industries” entitled “Interaction avec les objets et services numériques”, Tourcoing, France. Nov 2016.

Hélène Sauzéon gave the following invited talks:

  • “Assistance numérique pour la cognition sociale pour favoriser l'inclusion scolaire d'enfants avec troubles du développement” at 43èmes Entretiens de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation (EMPR), held on March 25th 2015 in Montpellier, France.

  • “La cognition sociale au-delà du cerveau : une cognition inclusive” at 43èmes Entretiens de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation (EMPR), held on March 25th 2015 in Montpellier, France.

  • “HomeAssist : An Assisted Living Platform for Aging in Place Based on an Interdisciplinary Approach”, at WORRKSHOP ACCEPT16- Deuxièmes rencontres interdisciplinaires autour des aides techniques, du handicap cognitif et de la perte d'autonomie, held on October 6-7, in Nîmes, France.

  • “Everyday cognition, Aging and Cognitive disorders: insights and opportunities provided by Information and Communication Technologies”, at Scientific seminar of Dpt. of Psychology, University of Waterloo, on 18th Jul., 2016, Waterloo, Canada.

Research Administration

Hélène Sauzéon is associate director of the lab “Activité, handicap, cognition et système nerveux”, since 2015, where she leads the Cognitive Handicap research axis.