Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: Bruno Gaujal and Nicolas Gast, “Advanced Performance Evaluation”, 18h (M2), ENSIMAG
Master: Guillaume Huard, “Conception des Systèmes d'Exploitation” (M1), Université Grenoble-Alpes
Master: Arnaud Legrand and Jean-Marc Vincent, “Scientific Methodology and Performance Evaluation”, 15h (22.5h) M2, M2R MOSIG
Master: Arnaud Legrand, “Parallel Systems”, 21h (31.5h) M2R, M2R Mosig.
Master: Arnaud Legrand, “Scientific Methodology and Performance Evaluation”, 24h (36h), ENS Lyon.
Master: Panayotis Mertikopoulos, “Selected Topics in the Theory of Stochastic Processes”, 16h M2, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Master: Florence Perronnin, “Simulation”, M1, Université Versailles – Saint-Quentin
Master: Florence Perronnin, “Probabilités–Simulation”, RICM4 Polytech Grenoble
Master: Arnaud Legrand and Jean-Marc Vincent, Probability and simulation, performance evaluation 72 h, (M1), RICM, Polytech Grenoble.
Master: Jean-Marc Vincent, Mathematics for computer science, 18 h , (M1) Mosig.
DU: Jean-Marc Vincent, “Informatique et sciences du numérique”, 20 h, (Professeurs de lycée).
Post-Doc: Angelika Studeny, Université Grenoble-Alpes (Jean-Marc Vincent)
PhD: David Beniamine, “Analyse du comportement mémoire d'application paralleles de calcul scientifique”, Université Grenoble-Alpes, 05/12/2016 (Guillaume Huard)
PhD: Joaquim Assunção, “Fitting techniques to knowledge discovery through stochastic models”, 08/12/2016 (Jean-Marc Vincent)
PhD in progress: Alexandre Marcastel, “Online resource allocation in dynamic wireless networks”, 10/2016 (Panayotis Mertikopoulos, E. V. Belmega)
PhD in progress: Stéphane Durand, “Game theory and control in distributed systems” (Bruno Gaujal)
PhD in progress: Stephan Plassart, “Optimization of critical embedded systems” (Bruno Gaujal)
PhD in progress: Baptiste Jonglez, “Diversity exploitation in communication networks” (Bruno Gaujal)
PhD in progress: Umar Ozeer, OrangeLabs, 12/2016 (Jean-Marc Vincent)
PhD in progress: Christian Heinrich, “Performance Evaluation of HPC Systems Through Simulation”, 12/2015 (Arnaud Legrand)
PhD in progress: Rafael Keller Tesser, “Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Load Balancing for Legacy Iterative Parallel Applications”, 12/2015 (Arnaud Legrand, Cotutelle with Philippe Navaux from UFRGS)
PhD in progress: Vinicius Garcia Pinto, “Visual Performance Analysis of HPC applications running over Dynamic Task-based Runtimes”, 12/2015 (Arnaud Legrand, Cotutelle with Nicolas Maillard and Lucas Schnorr from UFRGS)
Jean-Marc Vincent supervised the eng. internship of Benjamin Briot (02–03/2016)
Jean-Marc Vincent supervised the master internship Mathieu Baille (Magistère + TER M1)
Guillaume Huard supervised the Licence internship of Michael Picard
Guillaume Huard supervised the Licence internship of Loic Poncet
Arnaud Legrand and Vincent Danjean supervised the eng. internship of Florian Popek (06–08/2016)
Arnaud Legrand supervised the master internship of Steven Quinito Masnada (02–08/2016) in collaboration with the CORSE team (Brice Videau and Frédéric Desprez)
E. Veronica Belmega was a member of the jury for the PhD defense of Kenza Hamidouche (12/2016, Supélec)
Bruno Gaujal was a reviewer for the HDR defense of Bruno Scherrer
Bruno Gaujal was a member of the jury for the HDR defense of Patrick Loiseau
Arnaud Legrand was reviewer for the PhD defense of Rafife Nheili