New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

eTAC: Tangible and Augmented Interfaces for Collaborative Learning:

  • Funding: EFRAN

  • Duration: 2017-2021

  • Coordinator: Université de Lorraine

  • Local coordinator: Martin Hachet

  • Partners: Université de Lorraine, Inria, ESPE, Canopé, OpenEdge,

  • the e-TAC project proposes to investigate the potential of technologies ”beyond the mouse” in order to promote collaborative learning in a school context. In particular, we will explore augmented reality and tangible interfaces, which supports active learning and favors social interaction.


ANR Rebel:

  • Duration: 2016-2019

  • Coordinator: Fabien Lotte

  • Funding: ANR Jeune Chercheur Jeune Chercheuse Project

  • Partners: Disabilities and Nervous Systems Laboratory Bordeaux

  • Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) are communication systems that enable their users to send commands to computers through brain activity only. While BCI are very promising for assistive technologies or human-computer interaction (HCI), they are barely used outside laboratories, due to a poor reliability. Designing a BCI requires 1) its user to learn to produce distinct brain activity patterns and 2) the machine to recognize these patterns using signal processing. Most research efforts focused on signal processing. However, BCI user training is as essential but is only scarcely studied and based on heuristics that do not satisfy human learning principles. Thus, currently poor BCI reliability is probably due to suboptimal user training. Thus, we propose to create a new generation of BCI that apply human learning principles in their design to ensure the users can learn high quality control skills, hence making BCI reliable. This could change HCI as BCI have promised but failed to do so far.


ANR Project ISAR:

  • Duration: 2014-2017

  • Coordinator: Martin Hachet

  • Partners: LIG-CNRS (Grenoble), Diotasoft (Paris)

  • Acronym: Interaction en Réalité Augmentée Spatiale / Interacting with Spatial Augmented Reality

  • The ISAR project (Interaction with Spatial Augmented Reality) focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of new paradigms to improve interaction with the digital world when digital content is directly projected onto physical objects. It opens new perspectives for exciting tomorrow’s applications, beyond traditional screen-based applications.

  • website: https://team.inria.fr/potioc/scientific-subjects/papart/


Inria ADT Artik:

  • Duration: 2014-2016

  • Coordinator: Jérémy Laviole & Martin Hachet

  • The Artik projet is focused on the development of Papart (Paper Augmented Reality Toolkit). Papart is a toolkit that enables projector/cameras (ProCam) and depth camera to work together to create interactive surfaces. It works with comsumer-available hardware and enables tabletop interactions, although high-end cameras and projectors are also well supported. Here are the major advances of the developments of 2015: The hardware is now managed with a dedicated application, each Papart application is now hardware agnostic. Extrinsic calibration of projector / color and depth cameras can be done with any application running, the calibration processing is now below 2 minutes. The touch detection can be tweaked to fit any suface: it has been tested on a table, wall, and floor with respectively finger, hand, and foot interaction. This project relies on open source software, we also maintain the support of Maven distribution for the Processing project.

  • website: https://project.inria.fr/papart/


Inria ADT OpenViBE-X:

  • Duration: 2014-2016

  • Partners: Inria teams Hybrid and Athena

  • Coordinator: Maureen Clerc (Inria Sophia Antipolis)

  • This is the follow-up project of OpenViBE-NT

  • website: http://openvibe.inria.fr


Inria Project Lab BCI-LIFT:

  • Duration: 2015-2018

  • Partners: Inria team Athena (Inria Sophia-Antipolis), Inria team Hybrid (Inria Rennes), Inria team Neurosys (Inria Nancy), LITIS (Université de Rouen), Inria team DEMAR (Inria Sophia-Antipolis), Inria team MINT (Inria Lille), DyCOG (INSERM Lyon)

  • Coordinator: Maureen Clerc (Inria Sophia Antipolis)

  • The aim is to reach a next generation of non-invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), more specifically BCI that are easier to appropriate, more efficient, and suit a larger number of people. With this concern of usability as our driving objective, we will build non-invasive systems that benefit from advanced signal processing and machine learning methods, from smart interface design, and where the user immediately receives supportive feedback. What drives this project is the concern that a substantial proportion of human participants is currently categorized “BCI-illiterate” because of their apparent inability to communicate through BCI. Through this project we aim at making it easier for people to learn to use the BCI, by implementing appropriate machine learning methods and developping user training scenarios.

  • website: http://bci-lift.inria.fr/



  • Duration: 2015-2016

  • Partners: Université de Lorraine

  • Funding: SATT Nancy Grand Est

  • Coordinator: Stéphanie Fleck (Université de Lorraine)

  • The Helios project aims to provide a methodology and innovative media for the improvement of learning of basic astronomical phenomena for school groups (8-11 years). As part of this project, Potioc has focused on the development of the final application for augmented reality based and 3D manipulation, for providing a high-fidelity prototype.