Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
“2nd International OpenViBE workshop”, International BCI meeting 2016, Asilomar, CA, USA,2016 (Fabien Lotte)
Member of the Organizing Committees
”IHM et Education”, workshop at IHM conference, Fribourg, Switzerland, Nov. 2016 (Martin Hachet, Anke Brock)
“2nd InternationalOpenViBE workshop”, International BCI meeting 2016, Asilomar, CA, USA,2016 (Fabien Lotte, Camille Jeunet, Jérémy Frey)
“What’s wrong with us? Roadblocks and pitfalls in designing BCI applications”, International BCI meeting, Asilomar, CA, USA, 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
Special session “Human Factors and performance metrics for BMI Training and Operation”,IEEE SMC 2016, Budapest, Hungary, (Fabien Lotte, Camille Jeunet)
Diversity Co-Chair at the ACM CHI’16 conference, San José, USA, 05/2016 (Anke Brock)
Microsoft Student Research Competition at the ACM ASSETS’16 conference, Reno,USA, 10/2016 (Anke Brock)
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia MUM 2016 Poster Committee (David Furió, Anke Brock)
1st International Neuroadaptive Technology Conference 2017 (Fabien Lotte)
7th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, 2017 (Fabien Lotte)
International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Brain-MachineInterface Workshop (IEEE SMC) 2016 (Fabien Lotte, Camille Jeunet)
International workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI) 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting 2016 (publicity committee+ review committee) (Fabien Lotte)
7th Augmented Human International Conference, 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
8th Augmented Human International Conference, 2017 (Fabien Lotte)
Computer Applications and Quantitive Methods in Archaeology 2016 (CAA) (Pascal Guitton)
8th Augmented Human International Conference, 2017 (Fabien Lotte)
7th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, 2017 (Camille Jeunet)
ACM CHI 2016 (Fabien Lotte, Anke Brock, Camille Jeunet, Jérémy Frey)
ACM CHI 2017 (Fabien Lotte, Camille Jeunet, Anke Brock, David Furió, Camille Jeunet, Jérémy Frey)
Member of the Editorial Boards
Associate Editor in Brain Computer Interfaces (Fabien Lotte)
Associate Editor in Journal of Neural Engineering (Fabien Lotte)
Review Editor for Frontiers in Robotics and AI (Martin Hachet)
Review Editor for Frontiers in Neuroprosthetics (Fabien Lotte)
Review Editor for Frontiers in Human-Media Interaction (Fabien Lotte)
Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, with D. Friedman, on “Brain-Computer Interfaces Technologies forRobotics and Virtual Reality”, 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Frontiers in Neurosciences / Frontiers in ICT (Fabien Lotte)
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (Fabien Lotte)
Invited Talks
”Tangible Interaction and Spatial Augmented Reality for Education”, University of Sussex, Jan. 2016 (Martin Hachet).
"Vers des interfaces cerveau-ordinateur populaires", Conférence What’s Up In Your Mind, Paris, Jun 2016 (Jérémy Frey)
”Interaction Homme-Machine pour l’Education : au-delà de la souris et de l’écran”, Colloque Robotique et Education, Bordeaux, Juin 2016 (Martin Hachet).
"Human Learning and Alternative Applications Towards Usable Electroencephalography-based Brain-Computer Interfaces", Max Planck Institute, Tuebingen, Germany, December 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
"The birth and scope of the BrainConquest ERC starting grant project", European Research Day 2016, Tokyo, Japan, November 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
"Towards Usable EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces", Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, November 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
“Principles and promises of EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface technologies”, 1st Iranian IBRO/APRC School of Cognitive Neuroscience, Tehran, Iran, September 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
“When Brain-Computer Interaction meets Educational Sciences”, LaBRI general assembly, Bordeaux,France, July 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
“Toward Usable Mental Imagery-based Brain-Computer Interfaces”, Brain and Spine Institute, Paris, France, July 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
« From Neurofeedback to Brain-Computer Interfaces », Neurofeedback workshop in Bordeaux, France, July 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
“Brain-Computer Interaction and Spatial Augmented Reality Research in Potioc team”, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, June 2016 (Fabien Lotte, Camille Jeunet)
“Latest research results in Brain-Computer Interfaces and Augmented Reality”, Brain and Computers Digital Media Conference, Center for Digital Media, Vancouver, Canada, June 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
« Educational Science Principles for Brain-Computer Interface Design”, Inserm Lyon, France, April 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
"Considering User Training and Alternative Applications to Design Usable EEG-based BCI Technologies”, EPFL, Center for Neuroprosthetics, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
"Traitement des signaux cérébraux et classification des états mentaux", Journée scientifique de l'IFRATH "Interfaces Cerveau-Ordinateur", Paris, France, February 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
"Reciprocal learning between machines and humans for neurofeedback and BCI", Première Journée Nationale sur le Neurofeedback, Paris, France, January 2016 (Fabien Lotte)
“Interacting with spatial information” , Stanford HCI Group,Stanford University, USA, May 2016 (Anke Brock)
“Interacting with spatial information” , HERE, Berkeley, USA , May 2016 (Anke Brock)
“Interaction avec des cartes géographiques pour tous”, Immersion, Bordeaux, France, April 2016 (Anke Brock, Julia Chatain)
“Interacting with spatial information” , University of Sussex, UK, February 2016 (Anke Brock)
Animation table ronde, Journée URFIST « Vers de nouveaux paradigmes pour l’édition scientifique », Bordeaux, March 2016 (Pascal Guitton)
"L’éthique en Sciences du numérique", Ecole du Management Inria, Paris, September 2016 (Pascal Guitton)
"Physiological computing and spatial augmented reality: reflecting on inner state", Paris Open Source Summit, Paris, November 2016 (Jérémy Frey)
"Transparence algorithmique et éthique", Journée nouveaux arrivants Inria, Saclay, December 2016 (Pascal Guitton)
"Interfaces cerveau-ordinateur : quoi, pourquoi et comment ?", ENSCBP - Media Sciences, Bordeaux, Février 2016 (Camille Jeunet)
"How Cognitive Sciences Can Contribute to Research in Brain-Computer Interaction", National Cognitive Science Conference 2016, San Diego (Camille Jeunet)
"Understanding and Improving Mental-Imagery based Brain-Computer Interface User Training: Towards Efficient, Reliable and Accessible BCIs", University of Oldenburg, October 2016 (Camille Jeunet)
"Understanding and Improving MI-BCI User-Training", University of Freiburg, Germany, November 2016 (Camille Jeunet)
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Scientific Expertise
Member of Jury for recruitment of Researcher (CR2-CR1) Inria Bordeaux (Martin Hachet)
Expert for the Millennium Science Initiative research group evaluation, Chile (Fabien Lotte)
Expert for the « Sapienza »,University of Rome, research projects, Italy (Fabien Lotte)
Expert for the Partenariats Hubert-Curien (PHC) Germaine deStaël, France-Switzerland research projects (Fabien Lotte)
Etude "Panorama du cyberespace dans 3 à 5 ans" - Workshop "Evolutions technologiques", CEIS, CREC (Fabien Lotte)
Member of Inria Cellule de veille et de prospective (Pascal Guitton)
Member of the scientific committee of SCRIME (Martin Hachet)
Research Administration
Member of Inria Bordeaux Sustainable Development Committee (Martin Hachet)
Member of Inria International Chairs Committee (Pascal Guitton)
Responsable of Inria RA2020 Committee (new annual Activity Report) (Pascal Guitton)
Member of Comité de Pilotage de Software Heritage (Pascal Guitton)
Member of Comité de Pilotage Responsabilité Sociétale de l'Université, Université de Bordeaux (Pascal Guitton)
Member of Conseil d'administration Institut d'Optique Graduate School (Pascal Guitton)
Member of Commission de recrutement des Inspecteurs Généraux de l'Education Nationale (IGEN) (Pascal Guitton)
Member of Inria Bordeaux Committee for Technological Developement (Fabien Lotte)
Member of Inria Bordeaux Young Researchers Committe (Anke Brock)