Section: Dissemination


Nicolas Sendrier and Jean-Pierre Tillich, Code-Based Cryptography: New Security Solutions Against a Quantum Adversary, ERCIM News [67].

Anne Canteaut gave a talk at the dotSecurity 2016 conference for developers, at Théâtre des Variétés, Paris, April 2016 http://www.thedotpost.com/2016/05/anne-canteaut-the-struggle-for-secure-cryptography.

Anne Canteaut gave a talk at Séminaire général du département d'informatique de l'ENS for Master students in computer science at ENS Paris, April 13, 2016 http://savoirs.ens.fr/expose.php?id=2516.

André Chailloux gave a talk entitled L'ordinateur quantique, at Journées Art, Cerveau, Futur; Mouans-Sartoux, France, September 2016;

Anne Canteaut gave a talk on cryptography at lycée Rodin, Paris, February 2, 2016.

Sébastien Duval gave a talk on cryptography at lycée des 7 Mares, Maurepas, December 2, 2016

Anne Canteaut has been involved in the AlKindi competition, which is a national competition on cryptanalysis for students in “Seconde” http://www.concours-alkindi.fr/.

The best teams from Paris have been visiting the SECRET project-team in June 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVLHEOWAORc.

Julia Chaulet participated to a general-public mediation about the use of mathematics in industry at "Salon Culture & Jeux Mathématiques", Paris, May 28, 2016.

Yann Rotella hold a stand to explain cryptography at Futur en Seine, Carreau du Temple, Paris, June 12, 2016.