Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Projets Région


Participants : Maxime Amblard [coordinator] , Philippe de Groote, Sylvain Pogodalla.

Schizophrenia is well-known among mental illnesses for the strength of the thought disorders it involves, and for their widespread and spectacular manifestations: from deviant social behavior to delusion, not to speak about affective and sensitive distortions. It aims at exploring a specific manifestation, namely disorders in conversational speech. This is an interdisciplinary research, both empirical and theoretical from several domains, namely psychology, philosophy, linguistic and computer science.

The first transcriptions of pathological interviews are analyses. The management chain was implemented for disfluences and POS. Moreover, we have focused on implementing the treatment of lexicography issues and proposed an interface for SDRT-annotations. This year, we have developed a new interaction with the Centre Médical d'Aix-en-Provence in order to collect new interviews. The protocol started at the very end of the year. Moreover we have started the reimplementation of the tool SLAMtk.

The SLAM project was supported by the MSH–Lorraine, USR 3261, the region Grand-Est and the University of Lorraine. We organise the fourth workshop (In)Coherence of Discourse which gather linguists, psychologists and computer scientists in march 2017 : http://discours.loria.fr.



Participant : Maxime Amblard.

Interrelation troubles du langage, discours et processus oculomoteurs

This project is part of another research project about eye-tracking of schizophrenics. It is really close to the SLAM project. One of the main issue is how to collect the data. In order to simplify this clue, the two projects share the same corpus. SLAM is concerned by the transcription of the interviews whereas ITL-DI-Oeil analyses the eye-tracking records.