Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
A. Ern, Analyse numérique et optimisation, 78h, L3, Ecole Polytechnique (professeur chargé de cours), France.
A. Ern, Méthodes de Galerkine Discontinu, 20h, M2 Mathématiques de la modélisation, Paris 6, France.
M. Kern, Modélisation et simulation des écoulements de fluides dans la géosphère (with E. Mouche, CEA), 30h, M2 Mathématiques et Applications (parcours Analyse, Modélisation et Simulation), Université Paris Saclay, France.
M. Kern, Eléments finis (avec D. Ryckelynck), 30h, 2nd year students, Ecole Mines-ParisTech, France.
M. Kern, Problèmes inverses, 24 h, 2nd year students, Ecole Mines-ParisTech, France.
M. Kern, Analyse numérique avancée, 20h, 3rd year students, MACS, Université Paris Nord, France.
L. Monasse, Analyse et Calcul Scientifique, 30h, L3, ENPC, France.
M. Vohralík, A posteriori error estimates for efficiency and error control in numerical simulations, 36h, M2, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.
M. Vohralík, A posteriori error estimates and adaptive error components balancing in numerical simulations, summer school “IHP quarter on Numerical Methods for PDEs”, Cargèse, Corsica & Paris, France, 15h.
PhD: N. Birgle, Underground flow, numerical methods and high performance computing, University Paris VI, defended on March 24th, 2016, advisor J. Jaffré, co-advisor J. E. Roberts.
PhD: F. Cheikh, Identification of fractures in a porous medium by a method of indicators, University Paris VI and University of Tunis El Manar, defended on October 12th, 2016, advisors J. E. Roberts and H. Ben Ameur, co-advisors V. Martin and F. Clément.
PhD: M. H. Riahi, Identification of hydrogeological parameters in a porous medium, University Paris VI and University of Tunis El Manar, defended on October 12th, 2016, advisors J. Jaffré and H. Ben Ameur.
PhD in progress: S. Ali Hassan, A posteriori error estimates and stopping criteria for domain decomposition solvers with local time stepping, University Paris VI, November 2013, advisor M. Vohralík, co-advisors C. Japhet and M. Kern.
PhD in progress: J. Dabaghi, Adaptive modeling via complementarity of phase appearance and disappearance in fractured and porous media, University Paris VI, November 2015, advisor M. Vohralík, co-advisor V. Martin.
PhD in progress: P. Daniel, Adaptive multilevel solvers with a posteriori error control for porous media flows University Paris VI, October 2015, advisor M. Vohralík, co-advisor A. Ern.
PhD students at ENPC are listed in Section 1
A. Ern, external examiner of the PhD of Z. Dong, University of Leicester, November 24, 2016.
A. Ern, chair of jury of the PhD of M. Giacomini, Ecole Polytechnique, December 9, 2016.
M. Kern, jury member for the PhD of V. Groza, Identification de paramètres et analyses de sensibilité pour un modèle d’usinage par jet d’eau abrasif, Université de Nice, November 9, 2016.
M. Kern, jury member for the PhD of M. Massaro, Méthodes numériques pour les plasmas sur architectures multicoeurs, Université de Strasbourg, December 16, 2016.
M. Kern, jury member for the Habilitation of Y. Mesri, Méthodes numériques massivement parallèles à base de maillages non structurés adaptatifs et anisotropes pour la mécanique numérique, Université de Nice, December 19, 2016.
G. Pichot, jury member of the PhD of A. Botella, Unstructured volumetric meshing of geological models for physical phenomenon simulations, University of Lorraine, April, 1st, 2016.
G. Pichot, jury member of the PhD of A. Dartois, Study of the macro-dispersion of inert particles in highly heterogeneous 3D porous media, University of Poitiers, December, 14, 2016.
M. Vohralík, reviewer and jury member of the PhD of R. Tittarelli, University Lille 1, September 27, 2016.
M. Vohralík, chair of jury of the PhD of M. Groza, Université de Nice, November 10, 2016.