Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
A. Ern co-organized with D. Di Pietro and L. Formaggia the IHP Thematic Quarter on Numerical methods for PDEs from September 5th to December 16th, 2016.
M. Vohralík co-organized, together with I. Vignon-Clémentel from the project-team REO , the monthly Scientific computing, modeling, and numerical analysis seminar (“Rencontres Inria-LJLL en calcul scientifique”), see the web page, until July, 2016. Since September, 2016, I. Smears co-organizes this seminar together with C. Grandmont from the project-team REO .
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
A. Ern and M. Vohralík are members of the Scientific Committee of the ENUMATH 2017 conference (Voss, Norway).
M. Vohralík is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Finite Volumes for Complex Applications 8 conference (Lille, France).
Member of the Editorial Boards
A. Ern is a member of the editorial boards of SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, ESAIM Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, and Journal de l'Ecole polytechnique, Mathématiques.
M. Vohralík is a member of the editorial boards of SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis and of Acta Polytechnica.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
M. Kern was a reviewer for the journal Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal., and Oil and Gas Science and Technology,
L. Monasse was a reviewer for J. Comput. Phys. and J. Comput. Particle Mech.
A. Ern and M. Vohralík served as reviewers for tens of papers in different journals.
Invited Talks
A. Ern, plenary speaker, ECCOMAS 2016, Crete.
A. Ern, plenary speaker, WONAPDE 2016, Concepción, Chile.
M. Kern, minisymposium speaker at the German Priority Programme, Software for Exascale Computing, Germany.
M. Vohralík, invited speaker, Adaptive algorithms for computational PDEs, Birmingham, Great Britain.
M. Vohralík, plenary speaker, WONAPDE 2016, Concepción, Chile.
M. Vohralík, plenary speaker, ALGORITMY 2016, Podbanske, Slovakia.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
M. Kern was a member of the nominating committee for the SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences.
M. Kern is a reviewer for the German Supercomputing Center JARA program.
M. Kern is a member of the Scientific Committee of Orap (ORganisation Associative du Parallélisme), of the Scientific Board of GDR Calcul and of the jury and executive board of Label C3I.
M. Vohralík is a member of the steering committee of GIS Géosciences franciliennes.
Research Administration
F. Clément is a member of the Comité local d'hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail of the Inria Research Center of Paris.
F. Clément is the correspondant Inria-entreprise of the Inria Research Center of Paris for AMIES.
M. Kern is Deputy Director of Maison de la Simulation, a joint project between CEA, CNRS, Inria, Université de Paris 11, and Université de Versailles, focused on applications of high end computing.
M. Kern is a member of the Comité de site of the Inria center of Paris.
G. Pichot is a member of the Comité local d'hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail of the Inria center of Paris.
G. Pichot is member of the Conseil de département MAM of Polytech Lyon.
G. Pichot is member of the Commission de developpement technologique (CDT) of the Inria center of Paris.
G. Pichot is a member of the CES commission of the Inria center of Paris.