Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Charles Kervrann:

  • Engineer Degree: Genomics and Informatics, 4.5 hours, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris.

  • Master: From Bioimage Processing to BioImage Informatics, 5 hours, coordinator of the module (30 hours), Master 2 Research IRIV, Telecom-Physique Strasbourg and University of Strasbourg.

  • Master: Geometric Modeling for Shapes and Images, 6 hours, Master 2 Research SISEA, University of Rennes 1.

  • Engineer Degree and Master 2 Statistics and Mathematics: Statistical Models and Image Analysis, 37 hours + 15 hours (TP, Emmanuel Moebel), 3rd year, Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'Information (ENSAI), Rennes.

Patrick Bouthemy:

  • Master: Analysis of Image Sequences, 18 hours, Master 2 Research SISEA, ISTIC & University of Rennes 1.

  • Master: Video Indexing, 9 hours, Master 2 Research Computer Science, ISTIC & University of Rennes 1.

  • Engineer Degree and Master 2 Research IRIV: Motion Analysis, 12 hours, Telecom-Physique Strasbourg & University of Strasbourg.

Frédéric Lavancier:

  • Master: Linear Models, 36 hours, Master 2 Mathematics & Engineering, option Statistics, University of Nantes.

  • Master: Time Series, 36 hours, Master 2 Mathematics & Engineering, option Statistics, University of Nantes.


PhD in progress: Arnaud Poinas, Inference for inhomogeneous determinantal point processes, started in September 2016, supervised by Bernard Delyon and Frédéric Lavancier

PhD in progress: Hoai Nam Nguyen, Methods and algorithms for tissue microarrays image analysis, started in October 2013, supervised by Charles Kervrann and Vincent Paveau (Innopsys).

PhD in progress: Vincent Briane, Statistical methods and models for motion analysis in microscopy, started in October 2014, supervised by Charles Kervrann and Myriam Vimond (ENSAI-CREST).

PhD in progress: Bertha Mayela Toledo Acosta, Methods and algorithms for 3D image registration and correlative microscopy, started in October 2014, supervised by Patrick Bouthemy and Charles Kervrann.

PhD in progress: Emmanuel Moebel, New strategies for the nonambiguous identification and enumeration of macromolecules in cryo electron tomograms, started in November 2015, supervised by Charles Kervrann.

PhD in progress: Juan Manuel Perez Rua, Semantically meaningful motion descriptors for video understanding, started in January 2015, supervised by Patrick Bouthemy in collaboration with Tomas Crivelli and Patrick Pérez (Technicolor).

PhD in progress: Ancageorgiana Caranfil, Data assimilation methods for cell division mechanisms and molecule trafficking analysis, started in December 2016, supervised by Charles Kervrann and Yann Le Cunff.

PhD in progress: Sandeep Manandhar, Optical flow methods for 3D fluoresence imaging, started in October 2016, supervised by Patrick Bouthemy and Charles Kervrann.


Referee of PhD thesis: G. Michelin (University of Côte d'Azur, supervised by G. Malandain) [P. Bouthemy], L. Azzari (Tampere University of Technology, Finland, supervised by A. Foi) [C. Kervrann], H. Robjani (University of Strasbourg, supervised by C. Ronse) [C. Kervrann].