Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of Organizing Committees
C. Guillemot has served as area chair for the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2016.
C. Guillemot co-organized (together with Joachim Weickert, Prof. Universität des Saarlandes, and Thomas Pock, Prof. TU Graz, and Gerlind Plonka-Hoch, Prof. Universität Göttingen) a Schloss Dagstuhl seminar on inpainting-based image compression (Nov. 13-18, 2016).
Chair of Conference Program Committees
C. Guillemot was technical co-chair of the IEEE image, video and multi-dimensional signal processing workshop, 11-12 July 2016
C. Guillemot was general co-chair of the IEEE International workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (IEEE-MMSP), Montreal, 21-23 Sept. 2016.
Member of Conference Program Committees
O. Le Meur has been a member of technical program committees of international conferences: EUVIP 2016, QoMEX 2016
A. Roumy has been a member of the technical program committee of the ACCV 2016 workshop on New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement.
Member of the Editorial Boards
C. Guillemot has been associate editor of the Eurasip International Journal on Image Communication (2010-2016).
C. Guillemot is senior area editor of the IEEE Trans. on Image Processing.
C. Guillemot is associate editor of the International Journal on Mathematical Imaging and Vision.
O. Le Meur is member of the editorial board of the IET Image Processing Journal.
T. Maugey has been Guest editor for the Special Issue on Interactive Multi-view Video Services: from acquisition to Rendering, IEEE Multimedia Communication Technical Committee letters, Vol. 11(2), March 2016 (Guest Editors: Erhan Ekmekcioglu, Thomas Maugey, Laura Toni)
A. Roumy is associate editor of the Springer Annals of Telecommunications.
Invited Talks
O. Le Meur has been invited for a talk at Harmonic (Rennes) on “Computational Modelling of visual attention”
O. Le Meur participated to the TechnoConference at Inria. The presentation dealt with spatio-temporal video inpainting.
T. Maugey has been invited for a talk at I3S (Nice, France) on “Enabling user to interactively select viewpoint : a challenge for 3D data compression ", May 2016.
C. Guillemot gave an overview talk on image compression at the Dagstuhl seminar (13-18 Nov. 2016).
Leadership within the Scientific Community
C. Guillemot is member of the IEEE IVMSP technical committee
C. Guillemot is senior member of the steering committee of IEEE Trans. on Multimedia (2016-2018).
Scientific Expertise
C. Guillemot is member as scientific expert of the CCRRDT (Regional Committee of Research and Technological Development) of the Brittany region.
Research Administration
C. Guillemot has been (Sept. 2015-Dec. 2016) vice-chair of Inria’s evaluation committee.
C. Guillemot is member of the “bureau du Comité des Projets”.
T. Maugey has been member of the selection comitee for the assigment of the ministerial PhD grants at IRISA.
A. Roumy served as a member of Board of Examiners (Comité de sélection) for an Associate Professor position (Maitre de Conférences) at CREATIS Polytech Lyon (MCU61-46 2016).
A. Roumy served as a member of Board of Examiners (Comité de sélection) for an Associate Professor position (Maitre de Conférences) at ENSEIRB-MATMECA Bordeaux (MCF61-0127 2016).
A. Roumy is a member of the Inria Joint Administrative Committee (CAP commission administrative paritaire).