Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: C. Guillemot, Image and video compression, 8 hours, M2 computer science, Univ. of Rennes 1, France.

  • Master: C. Guillemot, Image and video compression, 8 hours, M2 SISEA, Univ. of Rennes 1, France.

  • Master: O. Le Meur, Selective visual attention, 6 hours, M2, Univ. of Paris 8, France.

  • Master: O. Le Meur, Acquisition/Image Processing/Compression, 22 hours, M2 MITIC, Univ. of Rennes 1, France.

  • Engineer degree: O. Le Meur, Image Processing, video analysis and compression, 54 hours, ESIR2, Univ. of Rennes 1, France.

  • Engineer degree: O. Le Meur, Visual communication, 65 hours, ESIR3, Univ. of Rennes 1, France.

  • Professional training: O. Le Meur, Image Processing and OpenCV, 42 hours, Technicolor Rennes.

  • Engineering degree: A. Roumy, Compressive sensing, 17 hours, INSA Rennes, 5th year, Mathematical engineering, France.

  • Master: A. Roumy, Compressive sensing, 15 hours, ENSAI Bruz, Master Big Data, France.

Supervision of PhD defended during the year

  • PhD-VAE: P. Bordes, Adapting video compression to new formats, Univ. of Rennes 1, 18 Jan. 2016, C. Guillemot.

  • PhD : M. Le Pendu, Backward compatible approaches for the compression of high dynamic range videos, Univ. of Rennes 1, 17 March 2016, C. Guillemot (Cifre contract with Technicolor).

  • PhD : J. C. Ferreira, Algorithms for Super-resolution of Images based on Sparse Representation and Manifolds, co-tutelle Univ. of Rennes 1/ University of Uberlandia Brazil, 6 July 2016, C. Guillemot.

  • PhD: C. Chamaret, Color Harmony: experimental and computational modeling, University of Rennes 1, 28th of April, 2016.


  • C. Guillemot has been member (rapporteur) of the PhD jury of:

    • T. Biatek, INSA-Rennes, Apr. 2016

    • A. Akl, Univ. of Bordeaux, Feb. 2016

  • C. Guillemot has been member of the PhD jury of:

    • A. Gilles, INSA-Rennes, Sept. 2016

    • L. LE Magoarou, Univ. Rennes 1, Nov. 2016

  • O. Le Meur has been member (rapporteur) of the jury of the PhD committee of:

    • Romain Cohendet, University Bretagne Loire, IRCCyN, 2016

    • Andrea Helo, University Paris Descartes, 2016

    • Ala Aboudib, Telecom Bretagne, 2016

    • Franck Chi, Telecom Bretagne, 2016