Section: New Results
Distributed processing and robust communication
Information theory, stochastic modelling, robust detection, maximum likelihood estimation, generalized likelihood ratio test, error and erasure resilient coding and decoding, multiple description coding, Slepian-Wolf coding, Wyner-Ziv coding, information theory, MAC channels
Interactive Coding for Navigation in 3D scenes (ICON 3D)
Participants : Thomas Maugey, Aline Roumy.
In order to have performing FTV systems, the data transmission has to take into account the interactivity of the user, i.e., the viewpoint that is requested. In other words, a FTV system transmits to the visualisation support only what needs to be updated when a user changes its viewpoint angle (i.e., the new information appearing in its vision field). The Sirocco has recently proposed some promising work using channel coding for interactive data coding. This coding scheme focusses on multi-view plus depth format only. In order to extend this approach to other formats, we have started a collaboration with the I3S laboratory in Nice, expert in 3D mesh compression.
The project ICON 3D funded by the GdR-Isis will be divided into two parts. First, we will study and develop new geometry prediction algorithms for surface meshes. Given a part of a mesh, the prediction algorithm should be able to estimate a neighboring mesh subset corresponding to the one newly visible after user viewpoint angle change (Fig. 7). The prediction error will be characterized. Then, we will study the channel coding method that should be developed to correct this error.