STARS - 2016
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Creation of the Team: 2012 January 01, updated into Project-Team: 2013 January 01

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Francois Bremond [Team leader, Inria, Research Scientist, HDR]

Sabine Moisan [Inria, Research Scientist, HDR]

Annie Ressouche [Inria, Research Scientist]

Faculty Member

Jean Paul Rigault [Univ. Nice, Professor]


Manikandan Bakthavatchalam [Inria]

Vasanth Bathrinarayanan [Inria]

Anais Ducoffe [Inria]

Rachid Guerchouche [Inria]

Furqan Muhammad Khan [Inria]

Matias Marin [Inria]

Thanh Hung Nguyen [Inria]

Javier Ortiz [Inria]

PhD Students

Auriane Gros [CHU Nice]

Michal Koperski [Toyota, granted by CIFRE]

Farhood Negin [Inria]

Thi Lan Anh Nguyen [Inria]

Minh Khue Phan Tran [Genious, granted by CIFRE]

Ines Sarray [Inria]

Ujjwal Ujjwal [VEDCOM, granted by CIFRE]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Julien Badie [Inria, granted by IRCA project]

Carlos Fernando Crispim Junior [Inria, granted by BPIFRANCE FINANCEMENT SA]

Remi Trichet [Inria, granted by MOVEMENT project]

Piotr Tadeusz Bilinski [Inria, granted by Toyota project, until Sep 2016]

Antitza Dantcheva [Inria, granted by Labex]

Visiting Scientists

Karel Krehnac [Centaur Project, from May 2016 to Jun 2016]

Jana Trojanova [Centaur project, from Mar 2016 to Sep 2016]

Salwa Baabou [Guest PhD, to Nov 2016]

Siyuan Chen [Guest PhD, to Feb 2016]

Adlen Kerboua [PhD]

Aimen Neffati [Inria, from Jul 2016 to Aug 2016]

Luis Emiliano Sanchez [University of Rosario (Argentina), from Sep 2016 to Dec 2016]

Administrative Assistant

Jane Desplanques [Inria]


Kanishka Nithin Dhandapani [Inria, granted by Toyota project, until Oct 2016]

Seongro Yoon [Inria, from Apr 2016]

Yashas Annadani [Inria, from May 2016 to august 2016]

Ghada Bahloul [Inria, Engineers, granted by EIT project]

Robin Bermont [Inria, research support, from Oct 2016]

Ulysse Castet [Inria, from Apr 2016 to Aug 2016]

Etienne Corvee [Associate partner]

Chandraja Dharmana [Inria, from May 2016]

Margaux Failla [Inria, research support, from Oct 2016]

Loic Franchi [Inria, from Jun 2016 until Jul 2016]

Daniel Gaffe [External Collaborator, Univ. Nice, Associate Professor]

Renaud Heyrendt [Inria, from Apr 2016 to Jun 2016]

Guillaume Lombard [Inria, from Apr 2016 to Jul 2016]

Robinson Menetrey [Inria, from Apr 2016 to Jun 2016]

Nairouz Mrabah [Inria, from Apr 2016 to Sep 2016]

Isabel Rayas [Inria, from Jun 2016]

Philippe Robert [External Collaborator, CHU Nice and COBTECK]

Hugues Thomas [Inria,from Apr 2016 to Sep 2016]

Jean Yves Tigli [External Collaborator, Univ. Nice, Associate Professor]

Shanu Vashishtha [Inria, from May 2016 to Jul 2016]