Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

  • Project: Pervasive_RFID

  • Partner: IETR

  • Starting: July 2013; ending: July 2016

  • Abtract: Pervasive_RFID is a joint effort (within the CominLabs initiative, see http://www.cominlabs.ueb.eu/) started in July 2013 with IETR (institut d'électronique et de télécommunications de Rennes) to study and design innovative RFID reading protocols in the context of pervasive computing applications. Some limitations of existing RFID technology become challenging: unlike standard RFID application scenarios, pervasive computing often involves uncontrolled environment for RFID, where tags and reader have to operate in much more difficult situations that those usually encountered or expected for classical RFID systems.

  • Project: GLIE - Guidage Lumineux par l'Intelligence de l'Environnement

  • Partner: OyaLight

  • Starting: December 2014; ending: April 2016

  • Abstract: GLIE is a collaborative projet with OYALIGT and Tacoma group. The objective of the project is to design and demonstrate a new service combining connected LEDs provided by OYALIGHT and a software tool developed by Tacoma . By integrating and analyzing data transmitted by the sensors integrated into LEDs, the service must be able to detect a given context and to react accordingly.

  • Project: Greenfeed

  • http://greenfeed.org

  • Partner: BeNomad, Mines St Etiennes, Enedis, G2MOBILITY, GreedPocket

  • Starting: July 2013; ending: Nov 2016

  • Abstract: Greenfeed aims at improving electro-mobility, which means the ease with which users can travel using electric cars. In order to achieve its goal, the project focuses three main operators: electro-mobility service provider (EMSP), distribution service operator (DSO), and charging station operator (CSO). During the project, the role of these actors have been precisely defined, so were the role of the systems they were in charge of. A great effort has been put on interoperability, so that the developed systems could collaborate with each other. One of the key use case was to enable the smart management of available power on a 10 charging site. This led to a demonstration in which a Renault Zoé, customized by the Institut Védécom, was able to negotiate a charge planning with the electric power grid. Then a grid initiated renegotiation was demonstrated, once the initial smart charging process had began. This was the first time this behavior had been achieved with a vehicle in France.