Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
Project: Modélisation des activités de site consommateur d'énergie pour favoriser l'autoconsommation d'énergies renouvelables produites localement
Abstract: OKWind ( is a company specialized in local production of renewable energy. This project, with Inria DiverSE and Tacoma teams, aims at building a system that optimizes the use of different sources of renewable energy, choosing the most suitable source for the current demand and anticipating future needs, so as to favor the consumption of locally produced electricity. The system must be able to model clients' activities. It must also trigger actions (local consumption vs. local storage). The final goal is to use " locally produced" energy in a smarter way and to tend towards a self-consumption optimum.
Abtract: The EkoHub project has been architectured around hors multi-technologies gateway and leverages on the one developped in the ITSSv6 European project. In addition to the multiple interfaces of our platforms, sensor devices have been incorporated into the project and we studied different scenarios elaborated with our professional partners (Layaye Logistics). Intelligent data management schemes are being studied to adapt to the communication environment and the needs of the application consuming the data.