Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : Axel Legay, Introduction au Model Checking, 36, M2, Université de Bretagne Sud, France
Master : Axel Legay, Introduction à l'analyse de risques, M2, Université de Bretagne Sud, France
PhD : Aymerick Savary, De la génération de suites de test à partir de modèles formels, University of Sherbrook and University of Limoges, 30th June 2016, Marc Frappier, Jean-Louis Lanet
PhD : Tiana Razafindralambo, Attaques combinées sur appareil mobiles, University of Limoges, November 2016, Christophe Clavier, Jean-Louis Lanet
PhD : Neal Walfield, Location prediction for context-aware applications, Johns Hopkins, 4th October 2016, Christian Grothoff
PhD in progress : Kevin Bukasa, Démarrage sécurisé, 2015, Jean-Louis Lanet and Axel Legay
PhD in progress : Mounir Chadli (Rennes 1), On Scheduling and SMC, December 2014, Axel Legay and Saddek Bensalem.
PhD in progress : Olivier Descourbe, On Code Obfuscation, October 2016, Axel Legay and Fabrizio Biondi.
PhD in progress : Mike Enescu, On Symbolic Execution for Malware Detection, October 2016, Axel Legay and Flavio Oquendo and Fabrizio Biondi.
PhD in progress : Alexandre Gonsalvez, On Obfuscation via crypto primitives, April 2016, Axel Legay and Caroline Fontaine.
PhD in progress : Nisrine Jafri (Rennes1), On fault Injection detection with MC of Binary code, December 2015, Axel Legay and Jean-Louis Lanet.
PhD in progress : Razika Lounas, Validation des spécifications formelles de la mise à jour dynamique des applications Java Card, 2010, Mohamed Mezghiche and Jean-Louis Lanet
PhD in progress : Aurélien Palisse, Observabilité de codes hostiles, 2015, Jean-Louis Lanet
PhD in progress : Aurélien Trulla, Caractérisation de malware Android par suivi de flux d’information et nouvelles techniques d’évasion, 2016, Valerie Viet Triem Tong and Jean-Louis Lanet
PhD in progress : Tristan Ninet (Rennes 1), Vérification formelle d’une implémentation de la pile protocolaire IKEv2, December 2016, Axel Legay, Romaric Maillard and Olivier Zendra
Axel Legay has been a referee for the PhD defense of Najah Ben Said (University of Grenoble Alpes).
Axel Legay has been a member of the jury for the PhD defense of Zaruhi Aslanyan (DTU Denmark).
Jean-Louis Lanet has been a referee for the PhD defense of Pierre Belgarric (Télécom ParisTech).
Jean-Louis Lanet has been a referee for the PhD defense of Louis Dureuil (University of Grenoble Alpes).
Jean-Louis Lanet has been a referee for the PhD defense of Gabriel Risterucci (University of Aix Marseille).
Jean-Louis Lanet has been a member of the jury for the PhD defense of Benoît Morgan (University of Toulouse).
Jean-Louis Lanet has been a member of the jury for the PhD defense of Najah Ben Said (University of Grenoble Alpes).
Olivier Zendra has been a co-referee for the PhD defense of Rabah Laouadi (University of Montpellier).