Section: New Results
Results for Axis 2: Malware analysis
The detection of malicious programs is a fundamental step to be able to guarantee system security. Programs that exhibit malicious behavior, or malware, are commonly used in all sort of cyberattacks. They can be used to gain remote access on a system, spy on its users, exfiltrate and modify data, execute denial of services attacks, etc.
Significant efforts are being undertaken by software and data companies and researchers to protect systems, locate infections, and reverse damage inflicted by malware. Malware analysis can be divided in the following three main problems:
Malware Detection
Participants : Axel Legay, Fabrizio Biondi, Olivier Decourbe, Mike Enescu, Thomas Given-Wilson, Annelie Heuser, Nisrine Jafri, Jean-Louis Lanet, Jean Quilbeuf.
Given a file or data stream, the malware detection problem consists of understanding if the file or data stream contain traces of malicious behavior. For binary executable files in particular, this requires reverse engineering the file's behavior to understand if it is malicious. The main reverse engineering techniques are categorized as:
- Static Analysis
This refers to techniques that analyze the file without executing it. It includes disassembling the file's executable code and analyzing other static features of the binary, like its import/export table, hash, etc. The file's control flow and system flow graphs can be retrieved statically (unless they are obfuscated; see below) and used to guide the exploration of the file's semantics in the search of malicious behavior. Information flow can be tracked since hostile applications often try to transmit private information to distant servers (this form of malware are now widely spread in the mobile world). The challenge consists in detecting into a file that a private information does not leak to the external world. The verification can be done statically, dealing with storage channel (implicit or explicit), but not with side channel.
- Dynamic Analysis
This refers to techniques that actually executed the file in a sandbox (usually a virtualized environment) and analyze its interaction with the sandbox. This technique is effective in understanding the file's actual interactions with the system, making it easy to detect malicious behavior. However, malware often implements sandbox detection techniques to detect when it is being run in a virtualized environment, when functions or system calls are hooked by the analyst, or when the sandbox does not look like a normal user's machine (e.g. because it does not contain any document). Dynamic tracking of information flow makes it possible to cope with side channel attacks. With temporal side channel, the challenge lies in the potential declassification procedure used by malware to escape the analysis. We extend the TaintDroid framework to cope with native code invocation [47]. This approach reduces the false positive warning drastically. Recently we have extended this work to cope with timing side channels [under submission]. We are developing a new malware that declassifies the labels thanks to the audio system of the smart-phone. This is a joint work with Telecom Bretagne.
- Hybrid Analysis
This refers to technique that combine both static and dynamic behavior, i.e. both code analysis and execution. While more complex to implement, these techniques are able to overcome many of the shortcomings of full static and full dynamic analysis. The best example of a hybrid technique is concolic (a portmanteau for CONCrete + symbOLIC) analysis.
To contribute to concolic analysis, we are working on the state-of-the-art angr concolic execution engine to make it fast and efficient enough to analyze large executable malware files efficiently. We are improving angr 's parallelism and allowing it to precompute semantic stubs of function and system calls, allowing it to focus its analysis on the main file without having to branch in the rest of the operative system. We plan to contribute our improvements to the main angr branch, so that the whole community can benefit from them.
Malware Deobfuscation
Participants : Axel Legay, Fabrizio Biondi, Olivier Decourbe, Mike Enescu, Thomas Given-Wilson, Annelie Heuser, Nisrine Jafri, Jean-Louis Lanet, Jean Quilbeuf.
Given a file (usually a portable executable binary or a document supporting script macros), deobfuscation refers to the preparation of the file for the purposes of further analysis. Obfuscation techniques are specifically developed by malware creators to hinder detection reverse engineering of malicious behavior. Some of these techniques include:
- Packing
Packing refers to the transformation of the malware code in a compressed version to be dynamically decompressed into memory and executed from there at runtime. Packing techniques are particularly effective against static analysis, since it is very difficult to determine statically the content of the unpacked memory to be executed, particularly if packing is used multiple times. The compressed code can also be encrypted, with the key being generated in a different part of the code and used by the unpacking procedure, or even transmitted remotely from a command and control (C&C) server.
- Control Flow Flattening
This technique aims to hinder the reconstruction of the control flow of the malware. The malware's operation are divided into basic blocks, and a dispatcher function is created that calls the blocks in the correct order to execute the malicious behavior. Each block after its execution returns control to the dispatcher, so the control flow is flattened to two levels: the dispatcher above and all the basic blocks below.
To prevent reverse engineering of the dispatcher, it is often implemented with a cryptographic hash function. A more advanced variant of this techniques embed a full virtual machine with a randomly generated instruction set, a virtual program counted, and a virtual stack in the code, and uses the machine's interpreter as the dispatcher.
Virtualization is a very effective technique to prevent reverse engineering. To contrast it, we are implementing state-of-the-art devirtualization algorithms in angr , allowing it to detect and ignore the virtual machine code and retrieving the obfuscated program logic. Again, we plan to contribute our improvements to the main angr branch, thus helping the whole security community fighting virtualized malware.
- Opaque Constants and Conditionals
Reversing packing and control flow flattening techniques requires understanding of the constants and conditionals in the program, hence many techniques are deployed to obfuscate them and make them unreadable by reverse engineering techniques. Such techniques are used e.g. to obfuscate the decryption keys of packed encrypted code and the conditionals in the control flow.
We have proven the efficiency of dynamic synthesis in retrieving opaque constant and conditionals, compared to the state-of-the-art approach of using SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theories) solvers, when the input space of the opaque function is small enough. We are developing techniques based on fragmenting and analyzing by brute force the input space of opaque conditionals, and SMT constraints in general, to be integrated in SMT solvers to improve their effectiveness.
Malware Classification
Participants : Axel Legay, Fabrizio Biondi, Olivier Decourbe, Mike Enescu, Thomas Given-Wilson, Annelie Heuser, Nisrine Jafri, Jean-Louis Lanet, Jean Quilbeuf.
Once malicious behavior has been located, it is essential to be able to classify the malware in its specific family to know how to disinfect the system and reverse the damage inflicted on it.
While it is rare to find an actually previously unknown malware, morphic techniques are employed by malware creators to ensure that different generations of the same malware behave differently enough than it is hard to recognize them as belonging to the same family. In particular, techniques based on the syntax of the program fails against morphic malware, since syntax can be easily changed.
To this end, semantic signatures are used to classify malware in the appropriate family. Semantic signatures capture the malware's behavior, and are thus resistant to morphic and differentiation techniques that modify the malware's syntactic signatures. We are investigating semantic signatures based on the program's System Call Dependency Graph (SCDG), which have been proven to be effective and compact enough to be used in practice. SCDGs are often extracted using a technique based on pushdown automata that is ineffective against obfuscated code; instead, we are applying concolic analysis via the angr engine to improve speed and coverage of the extraction.
Once a semantic signature has been extracted, it has to be compared against large database of known signatures representing the various malware families to classify it. The most efficient way to obtain this is to use a supervised machine learning classifier. In this approach, the classifier is trained with a large sample of signatures malware annotated with the appropriate information about the malware families, so that it can learn to quickly and automatically classify signatures in the appropriate family. Our work on machine learning classification focuses on using SCDGs as signatures. Since SCDGs are graphs, we are investigating and adapting algorithms for the machine learning classification of graphs, usually based on measures of shared subgraphs between different graphs.
In malware detection and classification, it is fundamental to have a false positive rate (i.e. rate of cleanware classified as malware) approaching zero, otherwise the classification system will classify hundred or thousands of cleanware files as malware, making it useless in practice. To decrease the false positive rate, the classifier is also trained with a large and representative database of cleanware, so that it can discriminate between signatures of cleanware and malware with a minimal false positive rate. We use a large database of malware and cleanware to train our classifier, thus guaranteeing a high detection rate with a small false positive rate.
This section gathers papers that are results common to all sections above pertaining to Axis 2.
- [57]
Black-box synthesis is more efficient than SMT deobfuscation on predicates obfuscated with Mixed-Boolean Arithmetics.
- [66]
Recently fault injection has increasingly been used both to attack software applications, and to test system robustness. Detecting fault injection vulnerabilities has been approached with a variety of methods, yielding varied results. This paper proposes a general process using model checking to detect fault injection vulnerabilities in binaries. The process is implemented and used to detect a variety of different kinds of fault injection vulnerabilities in binaries.
- [59]
Fault-injection exploits hardware weaknesses to perturbate the behaviour of embedded devices. Here, we present new model-based techniques and tools to detect such attacks developed at the High-Security Laboratory at Inria.
- [52]
We proposed to use a bare metal approach without virtualization and a method to let the system stop the execution while the malware has been deployed in memory.
- [51]
We present our framework to grab sample from the net, evaluate it on victim PC and detect its presence thanks to our counter measures.
- [53]
In this paper, two counter measures are presented. The first one is related with the mode ECB of the AES cryptographic algorithm and the second is related with the usage of the crypto API. We developed a cryptographic provider which intercepts the key generation and store it in a safe place. Then we are able to decipher any files that the malware should have encrypted.