Section: New Results
Results for Axis 1: Vulnerability analysis
Statistical model checking employs Monte Carlo methods to avoid the state explosion problem of probabilistic (numerical) model checking. To estimate probabilities or rewards, SMC typically uses a number of statistically independent stochastic simulation traces of a discrete event model. Being independent, the traces may be generated on different machines, so SMC can efficiently exploit parallel computation. Reachable states are generated on the fly and SMC tends to scale polynomially with respect to system description. Properties may be specified in bounded versions of the same temporal logics used in probabilistic model checking. Since SMC is applied to finite traces, it is also possible to use logics and functions that would be intractable or undecidable for numerical techniques.
Several model checking tools have added SMC as a complement to exhaustive model checking. This includes the model checker UPPAAL, for timed automata, the probabilistic model checker PRISM, and the model checker Ymer, for continuous time Markov chains. Plasma Lab [29] is the first platform entirely dedicated to SMC. Contrary to other tools, that target a specific domain and offer several analysis techniques, including basic SMC algorithms, Plasma Lab is designed as a generic platform that facilitates multiple SMC algorithms, multiple modelling and query languages and has multiple modes of use. This allows us to apply statistical model checking techniques to a wide variety of problems, reusing existing simulators. With this process we avoid the task of rewriting a model of a system in a language not ideally design to do it. This complex task often leads either to an approximation of the original system or to a more complex model harder to analyze. The task needed to support a new simulator is to implement an interface plugin between our platform Plasma Lab and the existing tool, using the public API of our platform. This task has to be performed only once to analyze all the systems supported by the existing simulator.
Plasma Lab can already be used with the PRISM language for continuous and discrete time Markov chains and biological models. During the last years we have developed several new plugins to support SystemC language [50], Simulink models [70], dynamic software architectures language [41], [14], and train interlocking systems [64]. They have been presented in recent publications.
- [50]
Transaction-level modeling with SystemC has been very successful in describing the behavior of embedded systems by providing high-level executable models, in which many of them have an inherent probabilistic behavior, i.e., random data, unreliable components. It is crucial to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the probability of the system properties. Such analysis can be conducted by constructing a formal model of the system and using probabilistic model checking. However, this method is unfeasible for large and complex systems due to the state space explosion. In this paper, we demonstrate the successful use of statistical model checking to carry out such analysis directly from large SystemC models and allows designers to express a wide range of useful properties.
- [70]
We present an extension of the statistical model checker Plasma Lab capable of analyzing Simulink models.
- [41],
Dynamic software architectures emerge when addressing important features of contemporary systems, which often operate in dynamic environments subjected to change. Such systems are designed to be reconfigured over time while maintaining important properties, e.g., availability, correctness, etc. Verifying that reconfiguration operations make the system to meet the desired properties remains a major challenge. First, the verification process itself becomes often difficult when using exhaustive formal methods (such as model checking) due to the potentially infinite state space. Second, it is necessary to express the properties to be verified using some notation able to cope with the dynamic nature of these systems. Aiming at tackling these issues, we introduce DynBLTL, a new logic tailored to express both structural and behavioral properties in dynamic software architectures. Furthermore, we propose using statistical model checking (SMC) to support an efficient analysis of these properties by evaluating the probability of meeting them through a number of simulations. In this paper, we describe the main features of DynBLTL and how it was implemented as a plug-in for PLASMA, a statistical model checker.
- [14]
The critical nature of many complex software-intensive systems calls for formal, rigorous architecture descriptions as means of supporting automated verification and enforcement of architectural properties and constraints. Model checking has been one of the most used techniques to automatically analyze software architectures with respect to the satisfaction of architectural properties. However, such a technique leads to an exhaustive exploration of all possible states of the system under verification, a problem that becomes more severe when verifying dynamic software systems due to their typical non-deterministic runtime behavior and unpredictable operation conditions. To tackle these issues, we propose using statistical model checking (SMC) to support the analysis of dynamic software architectures while aiming at reducing effort, computational resources, and time required for this task. In this paper, we introduce a novel notation to formally express architectural properties as well as an SMC-based toolchain for verifying dynamic software architectures described in -ADL, a formal architecture description language. We use a flood monitoring system to show how to express relevant properties to be verified, as well as we report the results of some computational experiments performed to assess the efficiency of our approach.
- [64] , accepted at HASE 2017
In the railway domain, an interlocking is the system ensuring safe train traffic inside a station by controlling its active elements such as the signals or points. Modern interlockings are configured using particular data, called application data, reflecting the track layout and defining the actions that the interlocking can take. The safety of the train traffic relies thereby on application data correctness, errors inside them can cause safety issues such as derailments or collisions. Given the high level of safety required by such a system, its verification is a critical concern. In addition to the safety, an interlocking must also ensure that availability properties, stating that no train would be stopped forever in a station, are satisfied. Most of the research dealing with this verification relies on model checking. However, due to the state space explosion problem, this approach does not scale for large stations. More recently, a discrete event simulation approach limiting the verification to a set of likely scenarios, was proposed. The simulation enables the verification of larger stations, but with no proof that all the interesting scenarios are covered by the simulation. In this paper, we apply an intermediate statistical model checking approach, offering both the advantages of model checking and simulation. Even if exhaustiveness is not obtained, statistical model checking evaluates with a parameterizable confidence the reliability and the availability of the entire system.
Verification of Dynamic Software Architectures
Participants : Axel Legay, Jean Quilbeuf, Louis-Marie Traonouez.
Dynamic software architectures emerge when addressing important features of contemporary systems, which often operate in dynamic environments subjected to change. Such systems are designed to be reconfigured over time while maintaining important properties, e.g., availability, correctness, etc. -ADL is a formal, wellfounded theoretically language intended to describe software architectures under both structural and behavioral viewpoints. In order to cope with dynamicity concerns, -ADL is endowed with architectural level primitives for specifying programmed reconfiguration operations, i.e., foreseen, pre-planned changes described at design time and triggered at runtime by the system itself under a given condition or event. Additionally, code source in the Go programming language is automatically generated from -ADL architecture descriptions, thereby allowing for their execution.
We have developed with Plasma Lab a toolchain [14] for verifying dynamic software architectures described in -ADL. The architecture description in -ADL is translated towards generating source code in Go. As -ADL architectural models do not have a stochastic execution, they are linked to a stochastic scheduler parameterized by a probability distribution for drawing the next action. Furthermore, we use existing probability distribution Go libraries to model inputs of system models as user functions. The program resulting from the compilation of the generated Go source code emits messages referring to transitions from addition, attachment, detachment, and value exchanges of architectural elements. Additionally we have introduced DynBLTL [41] a new logic tailored to express both structural and behavioral properties in dynamic software architectures.
We have developed two plugins atop the PLASMA platform, namely (i) a simulator plug-in that interprets execution traces produced by the generated Go program and (ii) a checker plugin that implements DynBLTL. With this toolchain, a software architect is able to evaluate the probability of a -ADL architectural model to satisfy a given property specified in DynBLTL.
Statistical Model-Checking of Scheduling Systems
Participants : Axel Legay, Louis-Marie Traonouez.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are software implemented control systems that control physical objects in the real world. These systems are being increasingly used in many critical systems, such as avionics and automotive systems. They are now integrated into high performance platforms, with shared resources. This motivates the development of efficient design and verification methodologies to assess the correctness of CPS.
Schedulability analysis is a major problem in the design of CPS. Software computations that implements the commands sent to the CPS are split into a set of hard real-time tasks, often periodic. These tasks are associated to strict deadlines that must be satisfied. A scheduler is responsible for dispatching a shared resource (usually CPU computation time) among the different tasks according to a chosen scheduling policy. The schedulability analysis consists in verifying that the tasks always meet their deadlines.
Over the years, the schedulability of CPS have mainly been performed by analytical methods. Those techniques are known to be effective but limited to a few classes of scheduling policies. In a series of recent work, it has been shown that schedulability analysis of CPS could be performed with a model-based approach and extensions of verification tools such as UPPAAL. It shows that such models are flexible enough to embed various types of scheduling policies that go beyond those in the scope of analytical tools.
We have extended these works to include more complex features in the design of these systems and we have experimented the use of statistical model checking as a lightweight verification technique for these systems.
We also extended the approach to statistical model checking of products lines. Our first contribution has been to propose models to design software product lines (SPL) of preemptive real-time systems [25]. Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) allows reusing software assets by managing the commonality and variability of products. Recently, SPLE has gained a lot of attention as an approach for developing a wide range of software products from non-critical to critical software products, and from application software to platform software products.
Real-time software products (such as real-time operating systems) are a class of systems for which SPLE techniques have not drawn much attention from researchers, despite the need to efficiently reuse and customize real-time artifacts. We have proposed a formal SPLE framework for real-time systems. It focuses on the formal analysis of real-time properties of an SPL in terms of resource sharing with time dependent functionalities. Our framework provides a structural description of the variability and the properties of a real time system, and behavioral models to verify the properties using formal techniques implemented in the tools UPPAAL symbolic model checker and UPPAAL statistical model checker. For the specification of an SPL, we propose an extension of a feature model, called Property Feature Model (PFM). A PFM explicitly distinguishes features and properties associated with features, so that properties are analyzed in the context of the relevant features. We also define a non-deterministic decision process that automatically configures the products of an SPL that satisfy the constraints of a given PFM and the product conditions of customers. Finally we analyze the products against the associated properties. For analyzing real-time properties, we provide feature behavioral models of the components of a scheduling unit, i.e. tasks, resources and schedulers. Using these feature behavioral models, a family of scheduling units of an SPL is formally analyzed against the designated properties with model checking techniques.
- [25]
This paper presents a formal analysis framework to analyze a family of platform products w.r.t. real-time properties. First, we propose an extension of the widely-used feature model, called Property Feature Model (PFM), that distinguishes features and properties explicitly. Second, we present formal behavioral models of components of a real-time scheduling unit such that all real-time scheduling units implied by a PFM are automatically composed to be analyzed against the properties given by the PFM. We apply our approach to the verification of the schedulability of a family of scheduling units using the symbolic and statistical model checkers of UPPAAL.
Model-based Framework for Hierarchical Scheduling Systems
Participants : Axel Legay, Louis-Marie Traonouez, Mounir Chadli.
In order to reduce costs in the design of modern CPS, manufacturers devote strong efforts to maximize the number of components that can be integrated on a given platform. This can be achieved by minimizing the resource requirements of individual components. A hierarchical scheduling systems (HSS) integrates a number of components into a single system running on one execution platform. Hierarchical scheduling systems have been gaining more attention by automotive and aircraft manufacturers because they are practical in minimizing the cost and energy of operating applications.
Several papers have proposed model-based compositional framework for HSS. In [4] we proposed a methodology for optimizing the resource requirement of a component of an HSS using model checking techniques. Our methodology consists of using a lightweight statistical model checking method and a costly but absolute certain symbolic model checking method that operates on identical models.
In another work [15] we have proposed stochastic extension of HSS that allows us to capture tasks whose real-time attributes, such as deadline, execution time or period, are also characterized by probability distributions. This is particularly useful to describe mixed-critical systems and make assumptions on the hardware domain. These systems combine hard real-time periodic tasks, with soft real-time sporadic tasks. Classical scheduling techniques can only reason about worst case analysis of these systems, and therefore always return pessimistic results. Using tasks with stochastic period we can better quantify the occurrence of these tasks. Similarly, using stochastic deadlines we can relax timing requirements, and stochastic execution times are used to model the variation of the computation time needed by the tasks. These distributions can be sampled from executions or simulations of the system, or set as requirements from the specifications. For instance in avionics, display components have lower criticality. They can include sporadic tasks generated by users requests. Average user demand is efficiently modeled with a probability distribution.
We have also developed a graphical high-level language to represent scheduling units and complex hierarchical scheduling systems. In order to bridge the gap between the formalisms, we exploit Cinco, a generator for domain specific modeling tools to generate an interface between this language and the one of UPPAAL. Cinco allows to specify the features of a graphical interface in a compact meta-model language. This is a flexible approach that could be extended to any formal model of scheduling problem.
- [4]
Compositional reasoning on hierarchical scheduling systems is a well-founded formal method that can construct schedulable and optimal system configurations in a compositional way. However, a compositional framework formulates the resource requirement of a component, called an interface, by assuming that a resource is always supplied by the parent components in the most pessimistic way. For this reason, the component interface demands more resources than the amount of resources that are really sufficient to satisfy sub-components. We provide two new supply bound functions which provides tighter bounds on the resource requirements of individual components. The tighter bounds are calculated by using more information about the scheduling system. We evaluate our new tighter bounds by using a model-based schedulability framework for hierarchical scheduling systems realized as UPPAAL models. The timed models are checked using model checking tools UPPAAL and UPPAAL SMC, and we compare our results with the state of the art tool CARTS.
- [15]
Over the years, schedulability of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) have mainly been performed by analytical methods. Those techniques are known to be effective but limited to a few classes of scheduling policies. In a series of recent work, we have shown that schedulability analysis of CPS could be performed with a model-based approach and extensions of verification tools such as UPPAAL. One of our main contribution has been to show that such models are flexible enough to embed various types of scheduling policies that go beyond those in the scope of analytical tools. In this paper, we go one step further and show how our formalism can be extended to account for stochastic information, such as sporadic tasks whose attributes depend on the hardware domain. Our second contribution is to make our tools accessible to average users that are not experts in formal methods. For doing so, we propose a graphical and user-friendly language that allows us to describe scheduling problems. This language is automatically translated to formal models by exploiting a meta-model approach. The principle is illustrated on a case study.
Verification of Interlocking Systems
Participants : Axel Legay, Louis-Marie Traonouez, Jean Quilbeuf.
An interlocking is a system that controls the train traffic by acting as an interface between the trains and the railway track components. The track components are for example, the signals that allow the train to proceed, or the points that guide the trains from one track to another. The paths followed by the trains are called routes. Modern interlockings are computerized systems that are composed of generic software and application data.
We have proposed in collaboration with Université Catholique de Louvain and Alstom a method to automatically verify an interlocking using simulation and statistical model checking [64]. We use a simulator developed by Université Catholique de Louvain that is able to generate traces of the interlocking systems from a track layout and application data. This simulator is plug with Plasma Lab using a small interface developed with Plasma Lab's API. Then, the traces generated by the simulator have been used by Plasma Lab SMC algorithms to measure the correctness of the system. We have used Monte-Carlo and importance splitting algorithms to verify this system.
Advanced Statistical Model Checking
Participants : Axel Legay, Sean Sedwards, Louis-Marie Traonouez.
Statistical model checking (SMC) addresses the state explosion problem of numerical model checking by estimating quantitative properties using simulation. Rare events, such as software bugs, are often critical to the performance of systems but are infrequently observed in simulations. They are therefore difficult to quantify using SMC. Nondeterministic systems deliberately leave parts of system behaviour undefined, hence it is not immediately possible to simulate them. Our ongoing work thus pushes the boundaries of the cutting edge of SMC technology by focusing on rare event verification and the optimisation of nondeterminism.
Optimizing Nondeterministic Systems
- [17]
Probabilistic timed automata (PTA) generalize Markov decision processes (MDPs) and timed automata (TA), both of which include nondeterminism. MDPs have discrete nondeterministic choices, while TA have continuous nondeterministic time. In this work we consider finding schedulers that resolve all nondeterministic choices in order to maximize or minimize the probability of a time-bounded LTL property. Exhaustive numerical approaches often fail due to state explosion, hence we present a new lightweight on-the-fly algorithm to find near-optimal schedulers. To discretize the continuous choices we make use of the classical region and zone abstractions from timed automata model checking. We then apply our recently developed “smart sampling” technique for statistical verification of Markov decision processes. On standard case studies our algorithm provides good estimates for both maximum and minimum probabilities. We compare our new approach with alternative techniques, first using tractable examples from the literature, then motivate its scalability using case studies that are intractable to numerical model checking and challenging for existing statistical techniques.
Rare Event Verification
- [3]
Importance sampling is a standard technique to significantly reduce the computational cost of quantifying rare properties of probabilistic systems. It works by weighting the original distribution of the system to make the rare property appear more frequently in simulations, then compensating the resulting estimate by the weights. This can be done on the fly with minimal storage, but the challenge is to find near optimal importance sampling distributions efficiently, where optimal means that paths that do not satisfy the property are never seen, while paths that satisfy the property appear in the same proportion as in the original distribution.
Our approach uses a tractable cross-entropy minimization algorithm to find an optimal parameterized importance sampling distribution. In contrast to previous work, our algorithm uses a naturally defined low dimensional vector to specify the distribution, thus avoiding an explicit representation of a transition matrix. Our parametrisation leads to a unique optimum and is shown to produce many orders of magnitude improvement in efficiency on various models. In this work we specifically link the existence of optimal importance sampling distributions to time-bounded logical properties and show how our parametrisation affects this link. We also motivate and present simple algorithms to create the initial distribution necessary for cross-entropy minimization. Finally, we discuss the open challenge of defining error bounds with importance sampling and describe how our optimal parameterized distributions may be used to infer qualitative confidence.
- [10]
In this work we consider rare events in systems of Stochastic Timed Automata (STA) with time-bounded reachability properties. This model may include rarity arising from explicit discrete transitions, as well as more challenging rarity that results from the intersection of timing constraints and continuous distributions of time. Rare events have been considered with simple combinations of continuous distributions before, e.g., in the context of queueing networks, but we present an automated framework able to work with arbitrarily composed STA. By means of symbolic exploration we first construct a zone graph that excludes unfeasible times. We then simulate the system within the zone graph, avoiding “dead ends” on the fly and proportionally redistributing their probability to feasible transitions. In contrast to many other importance sampling approaches, our “proportional dead end avoidance” technique is guaranteed by construction to reduce the variance of the estimator with respect to simulating the original system. Our results demonstrate that in practice we can achieve substantial overall computational gains, despite the symbolic analysis.
- [49]
In this invited paper we outline some of our achievements in quantifying rare properties in the context of SMC. In addition to the importance sampling techniques described above, we also describe our work on importance splitting. Importance splitting works by decomposing the probability of a rare property into a product of probabilities of sub-properties that are easier to estimate. The sub-properties are defined by levels of a score function that maps states of the systemproperty product automaton to values. We have provided the first general purpose implementation of this approach, using user-accessible “observers” that are compiled automatically from the property. These observers may be used by both fixed and adaptive level importance splitting algorithms and are specifically designed to make distribution efficient.
Side-channel Analysis of Cryptographic Substitution Boxes
Participants : Axel Legay, Annelie Heuser.
With the advent of the Internet of Things, we are surrounded with smart objects (aka things) that have the ability to communicate with each other and with centralized resources. The two most common and widely noticed artefacts are RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks which are used in supply-chain management, logistics, home automation, surveillance, traffic control, medical monitoring, and many more. Most of these applications have the need for cryptographic secure components which inspired research on cryptographic algorithms for constrained devices. Accordingly, lightweight cryptography has been an active research area over the last 10 years. A number of innovative ciphers have been proposed in order to optimize various performance criteria and have been subject to many comparisons. Lately, the resistance against side-channel attacks has been considered as an additional decision factor.
Side-channel attacks analyze physical leakage that is unintentionally emitted during cryptographic operations in a device (e.g., power consumption, electromagnetic emanation). This side-channel leakage is statistically dependent on intermediate processed values involving the secret key, which makes it possible to retrieve the secret from the measured data.
Side-channel analysis (SCA) for lightweight ciphers is of particular interest not only because of the apparent lack of research so far, but also because of the interesting properties of substitution boxes (S-boxes). Since the nonlinearity property for S-boxes usually used in lightweight ciphers (i.e., ) can be maximally equal to 4, the difference between the input and the output of an S-box is much smaller than for instance for AES. Therefore, one could conclude that from that aspect, SCA for lightweight ciphers must be more difficult. However, the number of possible classes (e.g., Hamming weight (HW) or key classes) is significantly lower, which may indicate that SCA must be easier than for standard ciphers. Besides the difference in the number of classes and consequently probabilities of correct classification, there is also a huge time and space complexity advantage (for the attacker) when dealing with lightweight ciphers.
In [23], [67] we give a detailed study of lightweight ciphers in terms of side-channel resistance, in particular for software implementations. As a point of exploitation we concentrate on the non-linear operation (S-box) during the first round. Our comparison includes SPN ciphers with 4-bit S-boxes such as KLEIN, PRESENT, PRIDE, RECTANGLE, Mysterion as well as ciphers with 8-bit S-boxes: AES, Zorro, Robin. Furthermore, using simulated data for various signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) we present empirical results for Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) and discuss the difference between attacking 4-bit and 8-bit S-boxes.
Following this direction current studies evaluate and connect cryptographic properties with side-channel resistance. More precisely, in an ideal setting a cipher should be resilient against cryptanalyses as well as side-channel attacks and yet easy and cheap to be implemented. However, since that does not seem to be possible at the current level of knowledge, we are required to make a number of trade-offs. Therefore, we investigate several S-box parameters and connect them with well known cryptographic properties of S-boxes. Moreover, when possible we give clear theoretical bounds on those parameters as well as expressions connecting them with properties like nonlinearity and -uniformity. We emphasize that we select the parameters to explore on the basis of their possible connections with the side-channel resilience of S-boxes.
To this end, we divide the primary goal into several sub-problems. First, we discuss what is the maximal number of fixed points one can have in an optimal S-box. The question of the maximal number of fixed points for an optimal S-box is of interest on its own, but also in the side-channel context since intuitively an S-box with many fixed points should consume less power and therefore have less leakage. Moreover, the preservation of Hamming weight and a small Hamming distance between and are two more properties each of which could strengthen the resistance to SCA. Our findings show that notably in the case when exactly preserving the Hamming weight, the confusion coefficient reaches good value and consequently the S-box has good SCA resilience. We show that the S-boxes with no differences in the Hamming weight of their input and output pairs (and even, S-boxes such that have Hamming weight near the Hamming weight of , on average) or S-boxes such that lies at a small Hamming distance from cannot have high nonlinearity (although the obtainable values are not too bad for ) and therefore are not attractive in practical applications. Note that an S-box with many fixed points is also a particular case of an S-box that preserves the Hamming weight/distance between the inputs and outputs. Furthermore, our study includes involutive functions since they have a particular advantage over general pseudo-permutations. In particular, not only from an implementation viewpoint but also their side-channel resilience is the same regardless if an attacker considers the encryption or decryption phase as well as attacking the first or the last round. Next, we find a theoretical expression connecting the confusion coefficient with that of preserving the Hamming weight of inputs and outputs.
In the practical part, we first confirm our theoretical findings about the connection between preserving Hamming weight and the confusion coefficient. Besides that, we give a number of S-box examples of size intended to provide more insight into possible trade-offs between cryptographic properties and side-channel resilience. However, our study shows that mostly preserving Hamming weight might not automatically result in a small minimum confusion coefficient and thus in higher side-channel resistance. We therefore in detail examine the influence of on the confusion coefficient in general by concentrating on the input (in which key hypothesis are made) and the minimum value of the confusion coefficient. Following, we evaluate a number of S-boxes used in today's ciphers and show that their SCA resilience can significantly differ. Finally, we point out that non-involutive S-boxes might bring a significant disadvantage in case an attacker combines the information about and by either targeting both first and last round of an algorithm or encryption and decryption.
- [67]
Side-channel Analysis of Lightweight Ciphers: Current Status and Future Directions
- [23]
Side-channel Analysis of Lightweight Ciphers: Does Lightweight Equal Easy?
Binary Code Analysis: Formal Methods for Fault Injection Vulnerability Detection
Participants : Axel Legay, Thomas Given-Wilson, Nisrine Jafri, Jean-Louis Lanet.
Formal methods such as model checking provide a powerful tool for checking the behaviour of a system. By checking the properties that define correct system behaviour, a system can be determined to be correct (or not).
Increasingly fault injection is being used as both a method to attack a system by a malicious attacker, and to evaluate the dependability of the system. By finding fault injection vulnerabilities in a system, the resistance to attacks or faults can be detected and subsequently addressed.
A process is presented that allows for the automated simulation of fault injections. This process proceeds by taking the executable binary for the system to be tested, and validating the properties that represent correct system behaviour using model checking. A fault is then injected into the executable binary to produce a mutant binary, and the mutant binary is model checked also. A different result to the validation of the executable binary in the checking of the mutant binary indicates a fault injection vulnerability.
This process has been automated with existing tools, allowing for easy checking of many different fault injection attacks and detection of fault injection vulnerabilities. This allows for the detection of fault injection vulnerabilities to be fully automated, and broad coverage of the system to be formally shown.
Security at the hardware and software boundaries
Participants : Axel Legay, Nisrine Jafri, Jean-Louis Lanet, Ronan Lashermes, Hélène Le Bouder.
IoT security
IoT security has to face all the challenges of the mainstream computer security but also new threats. When an IoT device is deployed, most of the time it operates in a hostile environment, i.e. the attacker can perform any attack on the device. If secure devices use tamper resistant chip and are programmed in a secure manner, IoT use low cost micro-controllers and are not programmed in a secure way. We developed new attacks but also evaluate how the code polymorphism can be used against these attacks. In [45] [27] we developed a template attack to retrieve the value of a PIN code from a cellphone. We demonstrated that the maximum trials to retrieve the four bytes of secret PIN is 8 and in average 3 attempts are sufficient. A supervised learning algorithm is used.
Often smart phones allow up to 10 attempts before locking definitely the memory. We used an embedded code generator [16], [45] dedicated to a given security function using a DSL to increase the security level of a non tamper resistant chip. We brought to the fore that a design of the software for protecting against fault attacks decreases the security against SCA. Fault attack is a mean to execute a code that is slightly different from the one that has been loaded into the device. Thus, to be sure that a genuine code cannot be dynamically transformed, one needs to analyze any possibility of a code to be transformed.
The work presented in [34] made possible to design an extremely effective architecture to achieve Montgomery modular multiplication. The proposed solution combines a limited resource consumption with the lowest latency compared with the literature. This allows to envisage new applications of asymmetric cryptography in systems with few resources. In order to find a cryptographic key using hidden channels, most attacks use the a priori knowledge of texts sent or received by the target. The proposed analysis presented in [28] does not use these assumptions. A belief propagation technique is used to cross the information obtained from leaked information with the equations governing the targeted algorithm.
Safe update mechanism for IoT
One of the challenges for IoT is the possibility to update the code through a network. This is done by stopping the system, loading the new version, verifying the signature of the firmware and installing it into the memory. Then, the memory must be cleaned to eliminate the code and the data of the previous version. Some IoT (sensor acquisition and physical system control) requires to never stop while executing the code. We have developed a complete architecture that performs such an update with real time capabilities. If one wants to use this characteristic in a real world it should pass certification. In particular he has to demonstrate that the system performs as expected. We used formal methods (mainly Coq) to demonstrate that the semantics of the code is preserved during the update. In [30], we paid attention to the detection of the Safe Update Point (SUP) because our implementation had some time an unstable behavior. We demonstrated that in a specific case, while several threads using code to be updated, the system enters into a deadlock. After discovering the bug, we patched our system.
Reverse engineering of firmware
Reverse engineering has two aspects; code reverse for which the literature is abundant and data reverse i.e. understanding the meaning of a structure and its usage has been less studied. The first step in reverse engineering consists in getting access of the code. In the case of romized code in a SoC, the access to the code is protected by a MMU mechanism and thus is an efficient mitigation mechanism against reverse engineering. In [8], [2] and [33] we set up several attacks to get access to the code even in presence of a MMU. The attack in [8] uses a vulnerability in the API where an object can be used instead of an array. This allows to read and write the code area leading to the possibility to execute arbitrary code in memory. In [33], we use the attack tree paradigm to explore all the possibilities to mount an attack on a given product. In [2], we used a ROP (Return Oriented Programming) attack to inject a shell code in the context of another application. Due to the fact that the shell code is executed in the context of the caller, the firewall is unable to detect the access to the secure container of the targeted application. This allows us to retrieve the content of the secure containers.
Once the dump has been obtained, one can try to retrieve code and data. Retrieving code is not obvious but several tools exist to help the analyst. These tools require that all the ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) is known. Sometime, the ISA is not known and in particular when one wants to obfuscate the code, he can use a virtual machine to execute dedicated byte code. In [32], we developed a methodology to infer the missing byte code, then we execute a data type inference to understand the memory management algorithm.