Section: Overall Objectives
Overall Objectives
In 2018, it is expected that nearly 80% of the Internet traffic will be due to videos, and that it would take an individual over 5 million years to watch the amount of video that will cross global IP networks each month by then. Thus, there is a pressing and in fact increasing demand to annotate and index this visual content for home and professional users alike. The available text and speech-transcript metadata is typically not sufficient by itself for answering most queries, and visual data must come into play. On the other hand, it is not imaginable to learn the models of visual content required to answer these queries by manually and precisely annotating every relevant concept, object, scene, or action category in a representative sample of everyday conditions—if only because it may be difficult, or even impossible to decide a priori what are the relevant categories and the proper granularity level. This suggests reverting back to the original metadata as source of annotation, despite the fact that the information it provides is typically sparse (e.g., the location and overall topic of newscasts in a video archive) and noisy (e.g., a movie script may tell us that two persons kiss in some scene, but not when, and the kiss may occur off screen or not have survived the final cut). On the other hand, this weak form of “embedded annotation” is rich and diverse, and mining the corresponding visual data from the web, TV or film archives guarantees that it is representative of the many different scene settings depicted in situations typical of on-line content. Thus, leveraging this largely untapped source of information, rather than attempting to hand label all possibly relevant visual data, is a key to the future use of on-line imagery.
Today's object recognition and scene understanding technology operates in a very different setting; it mostly relies on fully supervised classification engines, and visual models are essentially (piecewise) rigid templates learned from hand labeled images. The sheer scale of on-line data and the nature of the embedded annotation call for a departure from this fully supervised scenario. The main idea of the Thoth project-team is to develop a new framework for learning the structure and parameters of visual models by actively exploring large digital image and video sources (off-line archives as well as growing on-line content, with millions of images and thousands of hours of video), and exploiting the weak supervisory signal provided by the accompanying metadata. This huge volume of visual training data will allow us to learn complex non-linear models with a large number of parameters, such as deep convolutional networks and higher-order graphical models. This is an ambitious goal, given the sheer volume and intrinsic variability of the visual data available on-line, and the lack of a universally accepted formalism for modeling it. Yet, the potential payoff is a breakthrough in visual object recognition and scene understanding capabilities. Further, recent advances at a smaller scale suggest that this is realistic. For example, it is already possible to determine the identity of multiple people from news images and their captions, or to learn human action models from video scripts. There has also been recent progress in adapting supervised machine learning technology to large-scale settings, where the training data is very large and potentially infinite, and some of it may not be labeled. Methods that adapt the structure of visual models to the data are also emerging, and the growing computational power and storage capacity of modern computers are enabling factors that should of course not be neglected.
One of the main objective of Thoth is to transforming massive visual data into trustworthy knowledge libraries. For that, it addresses several challenges.