Section: Dissemination


  • Jean-Daniel Fekete contributed to the DataVis section of the Terra Data exhibition at La Cité des Sciences, April 4th 2017 to January 7th 2018

  • Jean-Daniel Fekete contributed to the exhibition on Jacques Bertin at EHESS Paris, November 14th to December 15th 2017

  • Jean-Daniel Fekete and Charles Perin organized a workshop on data visualization for the "retrospective Jacques Bertin" at EHESS Paris on November 23-24 2017

  • Pierre Dragicevic and Yvonne Jansen: the Curated List of Physical Visualizations is continuously being updated.

  • Pierre Dragicevic and Jean-Daniel Fekete: Demo of Zooids at Inria's 50th anniversary. 7 Nov 2017.

  • Jean-Daniel Fekete and Pierre Dragicevic interviewed by France Culture (la méthode scientifique) on Zooids. 21 Dec 2017.

  • The Zooids video has been watched 12 million times, shared 65,000 times and liked 86,000 times on Facebook.