Section: Dissemination
Jean-Daniel Fekete contributed to the DataVis section of the Terra Data exhibition at La Cité des Sciences, April 4th 2017 to January 7th 2018
Jean-Daniel Fekete contributed to the exhibition on Jacques Bertin at EHESS Paris, November 14th to December 15th 2017
Jean-Daniel Fekete and Charles Perin organized a workshop on data visualization for the "retrospective Jacques Bertin" at EHESS Paris on November 23-24 2017
Pierre Dragicevic and Yvonne Jansen: the Curated List of Physical Visualizations is continuously being updated.
Pierre Dragicevic and Jean-Daniel Fekete: Demo of Zooids at Inria's 50th anniversary. 7 Nov 2017.
Jean-Daniel Fekete and Pierre Dragicevic interviewed by France Culture (la méthode scientifique) on Zooids. 21 Dec 2017.
The Zooids video has been watched 12 million times, shared 65,000 times and liked 86,000 times on Facebook.