Section: Dissemination
The subspace clustering algorithms developed by the team in the context of the EvoEvo project have been included in a software package (EvoMove) enabling real-time monitoring and clustering of a dancer movements. In interaction with the “Desoblique” dance company (Lyon, France), we used this system to interact with the dancers by triggering sounds following the moves of he dancers. This system has been used in the context of the dance performance “Meute” in which three dancers were equipped with inertial measurement units connected to EvoMove (see 2). Meute has been played in public 8 times in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region beween January and July 2017
Figure 2. The EvoMove system has been used in the public performance“Meute” (here in “La Rotonde”, INSA Lyon in February 2017). Dancers: Claire Lurin, Jean Boulvert, Maxence D’Hauthuille. Sound: Jonas Abernot. Lights: Laurent Turpin. The EvoMove inertial measurement units are tied to the wrists of the dancers. -
G. Beslon, together with Dominique Schneider (UGA, France) published an article entitled “Darwin, bit à bit …” in the blog “Binaire” on ( This article describes the interdisciplinary view of evolution that the two authors are developing.
A. Denizot is member of association Demesures ( She organized and participation to scientific events: Geek Touch 2017, Pop Sciences 2017, Fete de la Science 2017 and interviewed researchers (
E. Tannier gave a series of lectures (8h) on genetically modified organisms for Universite Populaire de Lyon, for a large audience and gave a talk for the "Tour de science" 2017, in Lyon, a popularization event, for a public of interdisciplinary students.