Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
PY Oudeyer collaborated with Aymar de Rugy, Daniel Cattaert, Mathilde Couraud, Sébastien Mick and Florent Paclet (INCIA, CNRS/Univ. Bordeaux) about the design of myoelectric robotic prostheses based on the Poppy platform, and on the design of algorithms for co-adaptation learning between the human user and the prosthesis. This was funded by a PEPS CNRS grant.
D. Roy is the Inria leader of project "Voyageurs du Code - Code Décode", which provides teachers and animators formations and learning games to initiate young people to computer science and robotics.
Around Robotics for education, many collaborations were put in place. With the LSRO Laboratory from EPFL (Lausanne) and others collaborations with French National Education/Rectorat d'Aquitaine, with Canopé Educational Network, with ESPE (teacher's school) Aquitaine, ESPE Martinique, ESPE Poitiers, LINE Laboratory (ESPE Nice University), National Directorate of Digital Education, Fondation "La Main à la Pâte", Maison for Science in Bordeaux University, Orange Fondation.