Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
License: Introduction to Matlab, 21 heures. L3, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).
Master: Robotique Mobile, 21 heures. M2, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).
Master: Perception pour la Robotique, 6 heures. M2, ENSTA - ParisTech (David Filliat).
Master: Perception pour la robotique, 12 heures. M2 Systemes Avances et Robotique, University Pierre et Marie Curie (David Filliat)
Master: Perception pour la Robotique Développementale, 3 hours, CogMaster (David Filliat)
Licence Informatique, 64h Bordeaux University (Sébastien Forestier)
Master: Perception pour les systemes autonomes (ROB313), 7.50 h. Natalia Díaz Rodríguez
Master: Projet Informatique (IN104), 18.25h. Natalia Díaz Rodríguez.
Master: Cours de robotique développementale, option robot, ENSEIRB (2h), PY. Oudeyer
PhD in progress: Cédric Colas, Algorithms for intrinsically motivated goal exploration (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)
PhD in progress: Sébastien Forestier, Models of curiosity-driven learning of tool use and speech development, started in sept. 2015 (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)
PhD in progress: William Schueller, Study of the impact of active learning and teaching in naming games dynamics, started in sept. 2015 (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)
PhD in progress: Thibault Desprez, Design and study of the impact of educational robotic kits in computer science education, started in dec. 2016 (superv. P-Y. Oudeyer)
PY. Oudeyer supervised a team of computer and pedagogical engineers and researchers for the project Poppy Education (Didier Roy, Stéphanie Noirpoudre, Théo Segonds, Damien Caselli)
PhD in progress: Benjamin Clement, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, started oct 2015 (superv. Manuel Lopes and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).
PhD: Thibaut Munzer, Learning from Instruction, defended (superv. Manuel Lopes).
PhD in progress: Baptiste Busch, Interactive Learning, started oct 2014 (superv. Manuel Lopes).
PhD in progress: Alexandra Delmas, Auto-Apprentissage Auto-Adaptable pour la compliance au traitement, started oct 2014 (superv. Manuel Lopes).
PhD: Yuxin Chen, Interactive learning of objects and names on a humanoid robot, defended 02/2017 (superv. David Filliat).
PhD: Celine Craye, Curiosity and visual attention for the guidance of an exploration robot, defended 04/2017 (superv. David Filliat).
PhD: Joris Guery, Robust visual recognition by artificial neural networks in robotic exploration scenarios, defended 11/2017 (superv. David Filliat and Bertrand Le Saulx (ONERA))
PhD in progress: Adrien Matricon : Task dependent visual feature selection for optimising and generalizing robotics skills (superv. David Filliat, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer).
PhD in progress: José Magno Mendes Filho, Planning and control of an autonomous AGV in environment shared with humans, started Oct. 2015 (superv. David Filliat and Eric Lucet (CEA))
PhD in progress: Timothée Lesort, Incremental Deep Learning for Detection and Classification in a Robotic Context. started june 2017 (superv. David Filliat and Jean-Francois Goudou (THALES)).
PhD in progress: Vyshakh Palli Thazha, Data fusion for autonomous vehicles. started sept 2017 (superv. David Filliat and Hervé Illy (Renault)).
David Filliat was in the jury of Houssem Nouira (20/04/2017, Examinateur) : Affinement de relevés laser mobiles issus de Lidars multi-couches
David Filliat was in the jury of Quan Nguyen (06/10/2017, Rapporteur) : Mapping of a sound environment by a mobile robot
David Filliat was in the jury of Vijaya kumar Ghorpade (20/12/2017, Examinateur) : 3D Semantic mapping for indoor navigation
PY. Oudeyer was in the PhD juries of Céline Craye (ENSTA), Gabriel Sulem (ENS), Arthur Prat-Carrabin (ENS), Miquel Cornudella (ENS)
PY. Oudeyer was in the HdR jury of Alexandre Pitti (Univ. Cergy Pontoise)