Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

ScaleGest. Surface Gestures for Advanced Graphical Interfaces: Which Gesture for What. (2014-2017) Funded by Digiteo. In collaboration with Telecom ParisTech: 109Keuros. Participants: Caroline Appert (PI), Rafael Morales Gonzalez, Emmanuel Pietriga.

The project aims at designing gesture-based interaction for expert users who navigate and manipulate large datasets. In the context of advanced graphical applications, the number of gestures should be large-enough to cover the set of controls (i.e., commands and parameter settings) but remain simple-enough to avoid exceeding human abilities. Making gesture-based interaction scale with graphical applications' growing complexity can be achieved only by understanding the foundational aspects of this input modality. This project is about characterizing and structuring both the space of application controls and the space of surface gestures in order to establish guidelines for appropriate control-gesture mappings. It is also about the definition of a sound and systematic evaluation methodology that will serve as a reference benchmark for evaluating these mappings. The resulting control-gesture mappings are demonstrated in the specific application domains of cartography and astronomy.