Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Labs
Inria Chile / CIRIC. From 2012 to 2015, Emmanuel Pietriga was the scientific leader of the Massive Data team at Inria Chile, working on projects in collaboration with the ALMA radio-telescope and the Millenium Institute of Astrophysics. He is now scientific advisor to Inria Chile's visualization lab, and is actively involved in the collaboration between Inria Chile and the LSST on the design and development of user interfaces for operations monitoring and control.
Inria International Partners
Informal International Partners
KISTI (Korea). 2017. We investigated the potential of ultra-high-resolution wall-sized displays for the visualization of stream IOT data in the field of air quality monitoring in large and dense urban areas in Korea. The goal of the project was to design and implement an interactive multi-scale visualization of streamed data collected from vehicles (taxis) equipped with a battery of sensors and geolocation devices. The project focused on how to design effective visualizations that take advantage of the specific characteristics of large surfaces featuring a very high pixel density ; and on how to handle streams of IOT data, in this case the sensor data from all taxis, both live data streams and historical data retrieved from a database.
University of Konstanz: Daniel Keim and Johannes Fuchs on mapping out the design space for visualization glyphs [16]. Participants: Anastasia Bezerianos.