Major publications by the team in recent years
1E. Bayer-Fluckiger, J.-P. Cerri, J. Chaubert.
Euclidean minima and central division algebras, in: International Journal of Number Theory, 2009, vol. 5, no 7, pp. 1155–1168. -
2K. Belabas, M. Bhargava, C. Pomerance.
Error estimates for the Davenport-Heilbronn theorems, in: Duke Mathematical Journal, 2010, vol. 153, no 1, pp. 173–210. -
3J. Belding, R. Bröker, A. Enge, K. Lauter.
Computing Hilbert class polynomials, in: Algorithmic Number Theory — ANTS-VIII, Berlin, A. van der Poorten, A. Stein (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2007, vol. 5011. -
4J.-P. Cerri.
Euclidean minima of totally real number fields: algorithmic determination, in: Math. Comp., 2007, vol. 76, no 259, pp. 1547–1575. -
5H. Cohen.
Number Theory I: Tools and Diophantine Equations; II: Analytic and Modern Tool, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2007, vol. 239/240. -
6H. Cohen, G. Frey, R. Avanzi, C. Doche, T. Lange, K. Nguyen, F. Vercauteren.
Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography, Discrete mathematics and its applications, Chapman & Hall, Boca Raton, 2006. -
7J.-M. Couveignes, B. Edixhoven.
Computational aspects of modular forms and Galois representations, Princeton University Press, 2011. -
8A. Enge.
The complexity of class polynomial computation via floating point approximations, in: Mathematics of Computation, 2009, vol. 78, no 266, pp. 1089–1107. -
9A. Enge, P. Gaudry, E. Thomé.
An L(1/3) Discrete Logarithm Algorithm for Low Degree Curves, in: Journal of Cryptology, 2011, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 24–41. -
10D. Lubicz, D. Robert.
Computing isogenies between abelian varieties, in: Compositio Mathematica, 09 2012, vol. 148, no 05, pp. 1483–1515.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
12P. Lezowski.
On some Euclidean properties of matrix algebras, in: Journal of Algebra, September 2017, vol. 486, pp. 157–203, 38 pages, some minor corrections.. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2017.05.018 ] -
13P. Lezowski, K. J. McGown.
The Euclidean algorithm in quintic and septic cyclic fields, in: Mathematics of Computation, September 2017, vol. 86, no 307, pp. 2535–2549, - 15 pages, some corrections and improvements, especially in the proof of Proposition 6.1. [ DOI : 10.1090/mcom/3169 ] -
14N. Mascot.
Certification of modular Galois representations, in: Mathematics of Computation, 2017,
Articles in Non Peer-Reviewed Journals
15A. Meurer, C. Smith, M. Paprocki, O. Čertík, S. Kirpichev, M. Rocklin, A. Kumar, S. Ivanov, J. Moore, S. Singh, T. Rathnayake, S. Vig, B. Granger, R. Muller, F. Bonazzi, H. Gupta, S. Vats, F. Johansson, F. Pedregosa, M. Curry, A. Terrel, Š. Roučka, A. Saboo, I. Fernando, S. Kulal, R. Cimrman, A. Scopatz.
SymPy: symbolic computing in Python, in: PeerJ Comput.Sci., 2017, vol. 3, e103 p. [ DOI : 10.7717/peerj-cs.103 ]
International Conferences with Proceedings
16G. Castagnos, L. Imbert, F. Laguillaumie.
Encryption Switching Protocols Revisited: Switching Modulo p, in: CRYPTO 2017 - 37th International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, United States, Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2017, August 2017, vol. 10401, pp. 255-287. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-63688-7_9 ] -
17C. Fieker, W. Hart, T. Hofmann, F. Johansson.
Nemo/Hecke: Computer Algebra and Number Theory Packages for the Julia Programming Language, in: ISSAC '17, Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 2017. [ DOI : 10.1145/3087604.3087611 ]
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
18H. Cohen, F. Strömberg.
Modular Forms: A Classical Approach, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 2017, vol. 179, 700 p.
Other Publications
19J.-P. Cerri, P. Lezowski.
Computation of Euclidean minima in totally definite quaternion fields, March 2017, 22 pages, some improvements and corrections, especially in Sections 4 and 5.. -
20A. Dudeanu, D. Jetchev, D. Robert, M. Vuille.
Cyclic Isogenies for Abelian Varieties with Real Multiplication, November 2017, working paper or preprint. -
21F. Johansson.
Computing the Lambert W function in arbitrary-precision complex interval arithmetic, May 2017, working paper or preprint. -
22E. Milio, D. Robert.
Modular polynomials on Hilbert surfaces, September 2017, working paper or preprint. -
23A. Page, A. Bartel.
Group representations in the homology of 3-manifolds, December 2017, working paper or preprint.
24K. Belabas.
L'algorithmique de la théorie algébrique des nombres, in: Théorie algorithmique des nombres et équations diophantiennes, N. Berline, A. Plagne, C. Sabbah (editors), 2005, pp. 85–155. -
25H. Cohen, P. Stevenhagen.
Computational class field theory, in: Algorithmic Number Theory — Lattices, Number Fields, Curves and Cryptography, J. Buhler, P. Stevenhagen (editors), MSRI Publications, Cambridge University Press, 2008, vol. 44. -
26A. Enge.
Courbes algébriques et cryptologie, Université Denis Diderot, Paris 7, 2007, Habilitation à diriger des recherches. -
27S. Ionica, D. Robert.
Pairings, MIS, 2016, CRC Press, to appear.