Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : G. Castagnos, Cryptanalyse, 60h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;

  • Master : G. Castagnos, Cryptologie avancée, 30h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;

  • Master : G. Castagnos, Courbes elliptiques, 60h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;

  • Master : D. Robert, Courbes elliptiques, 60h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;

  • Master : K. Belabas, Computer Algebra, 91h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;

  • Licence : Jean-Paul Cerri, Arithmétique et Cryptologie, 24h TD, L3, Université de Bordeaux, France

  • Licence : Jean-Paul Cerri, Algèbre bilinéaire et géométrie, 35h TD, L3, Université de Bordeaux, France

  • Licence : Jean-Paul Cerri, Structures algébriques 2, 35h TD, L3, Université de Bordeaux, France

  • Master : Jean-Paul Cerri, Cryptologie, 24h TD, M1, Université de Bordeaux, France

  • Master : Jean-Paul Cerri, Arithmétique, 60h TD, M1, Université de Bordeaux, France


  • PhD in progress : Ida Tucker, Design of new advanced cryptosystems from homomorphic building blocks, since October 2017, supervised by Guilhem Castagnos and Fabien Laguillaumie

  • PhD in progress: Abdoulaye Maiga, Computing canonical lift of genus 2 hyperelliptic curves, University Dakar, supervised by Djiby Sow, Abdoul Aziz Ciss and D. Robert.

  • PhD in progress: Jared Asuncion, Class fields of complex multiplication fields, since September 2017, supervised by A. Enge and Marco Streng (Universiteit Leiden).

  • PhD in progress: Chloë Martindale, Isogeny graphs, since 2013, supervised by A. Enge and Marco Streng (Universiteit Leiden).

  • PhD in progress: Emmanouil Tzortzakis Algorithms for -curves, supervised by K. Belabas, P. Bruin and B. Edixhoven.

  • PhD in progress: Pavel Solomatin Topics on L-functions, supervised by B. de Smit and K. Belabas.

  • PhD in progress: Antonin Riffaut Calcul effectif de points spéciaux, supervised by Y. Bilu and K. Belabas.

  • Master 2: Margarita Pierrakea, Supersingular isogeny key-exchange, supervised by D. Robert.


  • A. Enge has written a report for the doctoral dissertation by Alexandre Le Meur, Université de Rennes, sur Formules de Thomae généralisées à des courbes galoisiennes résolubles sur la droite projective.

  • A. Enge has written a report for the doctoral dissertation by Alexandre Gélin, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Class Group Computations in Number Fields and Applications to Cryptology. K. Belabas was a member of the defense committee.

  • K. Belabas has written a report for the doctoral dissertation of Thomas Camus, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Méthodes algorithmiques pour les réseaux algébriques.

  • K. Belabas was a member of the defense committee of José Villanueva-Guttierez, Université de Bordeaux, Sur quelques questions en théorie d'Iwasawa.

  • K. Belabas was a member of the defense committee of Philippe Moustrou, Université de Bordeaux, Geometric distance graphs, lattices and polytopes.

  • J-M. Couveignes was a member of the defense committee of Carine Jaber (advisor Christian Klein), Université de Dijon, Approche algorithmique au domaine fondamental de Siegel the 28 June 2017.

  • J-M. Couveignes was the president of the defense committee of Matthieu Rambaud (advisor Hugues Randriambololona), Telecom-ParisTech, Shimura curves and bilinear multiplication algorithms in finite fields the 2 September 2017.

  • D. Robert is a member of the jury of Agregations de Mathematiques. He is also the codirector with Alain Couvreur of the option “calcul formel” of the Modelisation part of the oral examination.