Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • Veronica Munoz Ramirez supervised by F. Forbes, J. Arbel (mistis ) and M. Dojat (Grenoble Institute of neuroscience) was granted a PhD grant from the Idex NeuroCoG project. The PhD project is part of a work package, dedicated to Parkinson'€™s Disease (PD), which aims at identifying multidimensional cognitive and neurophysiological biomarkers for early diagnosis, outcome prediction and novel neurorehabilitation methods for de novo PD patients.

  • In the context of another Idex project named Grenoble Data Institute, two 2-years multi-disciplinary projects were granted in November 2017 to Mistis in collaboration respectively with Team Necs from Inria and Gipsa-lab (DATASAFE project: understanding Data Accidents for TrAffic SAFEty) and with IPAG and Univ. Paris Sud Orsay (Regression techniques for Massive Mars hyperspectral image analysis from physical model inversion).