Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Engineering school: L. Bougrain, Interfaces cerveau-ordinateur, 4.5h, 3rd year, Supelec, France

  • Polytechnical university of Kiev: L. Bougrain, Brain-Computer Interfaces, 10h, master, Ukraine

  • Engineering School: F. Giovannini, Artificial Intelligence, 32h, 3rd year, Telecom Nancy, France

  • UFR Math/Info: S. Rimbert, Brain-Computer Interface, 17h, Master 2, UFR Math/Info, France

  • UFR Math/Info: S. Rimbert, Introduction to Neurosciences, 15h, 1st year, UFR Math/Info, France

  • UFR Math/Info: A. Aussel, Computational Neurosciences, 20h, Master 2, UFR Math/Info, France

  • Engineering school: A. Aussel, Python Programming, 40h, 1st year, Mines Nancy, France


  • PhD: Francesco Giovannini, Mathematical modelling of neural oscillations in hippocampal memory networks during waking and under general anaesthesia, university of Lorraine, September 19th 2017, Laure Buhry and Axel Hutt [1]

  • PhD: Cecilia Lindig-León, Multilabel classification of EEG-based combined motor imageries implemented for the 3D control of a robotic arm, January 10th 2017, A. Hutt and L. Bougrain [2]

  • PhD in progress: Amélie Aussel, Extraction of electrophysiological markers and mathematical modelling of the epileptic hippocampus, October 1st 2016, Laure Buhry and Radu Ranta (CRAN)

  • PhD in progress: Sébastien Rimbert, Study of the dynamic of cerebral motor patterns during general anesthesia, January 1st 2016, Axel Hutt and Laurent Bougrain


  • Ph.D. thesis juries: Loïc Botrel, Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) based on sensorimotor rhythms Evaluating practical interventions to improve their performance and reduce BCI inefficiency, university of Würzburg, September 27th 2017, L. Bougrain (member)

  • Ph.D. thesis juries: Marie-Caroline Schaeffer, Traitement du signal ECoG pour Interface Cerveau Machine à grand nombre de degrés de liberté pour application clinique, university Grenoble-Alpes, June 6th 2017, L. Bougrain (member)