Section: Dissemination


  • Talk during the National Brain Awareness Week: Brain-Robot interactions, Mar. 14th, 2017, middle school Ernest Bichat, Lunéville (L. Bougrain)

  • Expert for the MGEN (a French mutual benefit insurance company)'s day about "réparer les vivants", Mar. 15th, 2017, Maisons-Alfort (L. Bougrain)

  • Scientific education on Information Technologgy with Marie Duflot-Kremer in the Marcel Leroy elementary school (20-22 students per class: CM2, CE2 / CM1, CE1 / CE2), 3h (three times 1h), May 30th 2017 (Tamara Tošić)

  • Exhibit of the Grasp-IT system to improve motor activity at the Interactions Homme-Machine conference 2017, August 2017, Poitier (Sébastien Rimbert)

  • Exhibit of the Grasp-IT system to improve motor activity at Inria-Industry Meeting on data and their applications, October 18th 2017, Paris (L. Bougrain & Sébastien Rimbert)