Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
“Kick-off conference of CORTICO, the French BCI association”, Paris, France, January 2017, Fabien Lotte
“2nd National congress onNeurofeedback: NeXT Steps”, Paris, France, January 2017, Fabien Lotte
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Late Breaking Work Committee ACM CHI Conference, 2017, Anke Brock
7th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, 2017, Fabien Lotte
Neuroadaptive Technology conference (NAT), 2017, Fabien Lotte
Augmented Human Conference (AH), 2018, Fabien Lotte, Jelena Mladenovic
7th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, 2017, Fabien Lotte
Member of the Editorial Boards
Special Issue Chair TACCESS ACM ASSETS Conference, 2017, Anke Brock
Member of the Editorial board of Journal of Neural Engineering, Fabien Lotte
Member of the Editorial Board (Associate Editor) of the Brain-Computer Interface journal, Fabien Lotte
Review Editor for the Frontiers in Human-Media Interaction journal, Fabien Lotte
Review Editor for the Frontiers in Neuroprosthetics journal, Fabien Lotte
Guest Editor, Frontiers in Neurosciences on “Detection and Estimation of Working Memory States and Cognitive Functions Based on Neurophysiological Measures”, 2017, Fabien Lotte
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
ACM Transactions on Computer-Humans Interactions (TOCHI), Fabien Lotte
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Fabien Lotte
Journal of Accessibility and Design for All (JACCESS ), Anke Brock
Invited Talks
Which feedback should be given to maximize Brain-Computer Interface training, 2nd National Day about Neurofeedback at ESPCI school in Paris, France, Jan. 2017, Léa Pillette
The impact of flow on BCI neurofeedback training, 2nd National Day about Neurofeedback at ESPCI school in Paris, France, Jan. 2017, Jelena Mladenovic
Engagement des publics et genre, Séminaire Projet RRI-Practice, CEA Saclay, Feb. 2017, Pascal Guitton
Comment apprendre à contrôler un ordinateur avec son activité cérébrale ? Le projet BrainConquest, Journée 10 ans ERC - 50 ans Inria, Paris, March 2017, Fabien Lotte
Art and Sciences at Potioc, Ministry of Culture, Paris, March 2017, Martin Hachet
Multisensory Maps for Visually Impaired People, Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences dept, Italian Institute of Technology, Genova, Italy, APril 2017, Anke Brock
Designing for Accessibility, University Bordeaux, OpenCare Project Meeting (H2020), June 2017, Anke Brock
L’éthique en Sciences du numérique, Ecole du Management Inria, Paris, June 2017, Pascal Guitton
Creating, learning, and meditating; a trip in tangible hybrid spaces, ETIS, Luxembourg, June 2017, Martin Hachet
Augmented reality & tangible interaction for accessibility, University Stuttgart, HCI Lab, July 2017, Anke Brock
Understanding and improving BCI user training to boost brain-computer communications, International Graz Brain-Computer Interfaces Conference, opening Keynote, Graz, Austria, Sep. 2017, Fabien Lotte
Brain-Computer Interfaces technologies for the benefit of all: Neuroergonomics and Neuroeducation, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2017, Fabien Lotte
Brain-Computer Interfaces: design, user training and new applications, Japanese French Laboratory for Informatics (JFLI), Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2017, Fabien Lotte
L’accessibilité des systèmes numériques d’enseignement, GT Handicap, FCS Paris-Saclay, Nov. 2017, Pascal Guitton
Interactive projection and 3D gestures for Artistic performances, OARA, Bordeaux, Nov. 2017, Martin Hachet
Combining machine learning and psychology to design usable Brain-Computer Interfaces, RIKEN Advanced Intelligence Project, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2017, Fabien Lotte
Scientific Expertise
Reviewer for the Millennium Science Initiative 2017, Chile, Fabien Lotte
Membre du comité ANR CE33 (Interaction, Robotics) 2017, Fabien Lotte
Member of Inria Cellule de veille et de prospective, Pascal Guitton
Reviews of projects : ANR, DFG, Crédit Impot Recherche ()Ministère de la recherche), Anke Brock, Martin Hachet
Member of the scientific board of ULLO, Martin Hachet, Fabien Lotte
Research Administration
Representative of Inria at NEM (New European Media), Fabien Lotte
Member of Commission de recrutement des Inspecteurs Généraux de l'Education Nationale (IGEN), Pascal Guitton
Member of Comité de Pilotage de Software Heritage, Pascal Guitton
Member of Inria Comité Parité et Egalité, Anke Brock & Pascal Guitton
Responsable of Inria RA2020 Committee (new annual Activity Report), Pascal Guitton
Member of Inria International Chairs Committee, Pascal Guitton
Member of Comité de sélection Professeur d'informatique, Université de Rennes, Pascal Guitton
Jury member for the competitive selection - Young graduate scientist (Chargé de Recherche 2) at Inria Bordeaux (2017), Anke Brock
Jury member for an Assistant Professorship ()MCF section CNU 63, “Photonics and digital sciences”) at Institut Optique / Université Paris-Sud, Anke Brock
Jury member for the competitive selection Research scientist (CR 2) at Inria Bordeaux, Anke Brock
Member of Bureau du comité des projets, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Martin Hachet
Member of Comité de Dévelopement Technologique (CDT), Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Fabien Lotte
Member of Comité Jeunes Chercheurs at Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Anke Brock
Member of Comité de Pilotage Responsabilité Sociétale de l'Université, Université de Bordeaux, Pascal Guitton