Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Research Program

Objective 3: Exploring new applications and usages

Objective 3 is centered on the applications and usages. Beyond the human sensori-motor and cognitive skills (Objective 1), and the hardware and software components (Objective 2), Objectives 3 takes into account broader criteria for the emergence of new usages and applications in various areas, and in particular in the scope of education, art, popularization of science and entertainment. Our goal here is not to develop full-fledged end-user applications. Instead, our contribution is to stimulate the evolution of current applications with new engaging interactive systems.


Education is at the core of the motivations of the Potioc group. Indeed, we are convinced that the approaches we investigate—which target motivation, curiosity, pleasure of use and high level of interactivity—may serve education purposes. To this end, we collaborate with experts in Educational Sciences and teachers for exploring new interactive systems that enhance learning processes. We are currently investigating the fields of astronomy, optics, and neurosciences. We are also working with special education centres for the blind on accessible augmented reality prototypes. In the future, we will continue exploring new interactive approaches dedicated to education, in various fields.

Popularization of science

Popularization of Science is also a key domain for Potioc. Focusing on this subject allows us to get inspiration for the development of new interactive approaches. In particular, we have built a strong partnership with Cap Sciences, which is a center dedicated to the popularization of science in Bordeaux that is visited by thousands of visitors every month. This was initiated with the ANR national project InSTInCT, whose goal was to study the benefits of 3D touch-based interaction in public exhibitions. This project has led to the creation of a Living Lab where several systems developed by Potioc have been tested and will be tested by the visitors. This provides us with very interesting observations that go beyond the feedback we can obtain in our controlled lab-experiments.


Art, which is strongly linked with emotions and user experiences, is also a target area for Potioc. We believe that the work conducted in Potioc may be beneficial for creation from the artist point of view, and it may open new interactive experiences from the audience point of view. As an example, we are working with colleagues who are specialists in digital music, and with musicians. We are also working with jugglers and mockup builders with the goal of enhancing interactivity and user experience.


Similarly, entertainment is a domain where our work may have an impact. We notably explored BCI-based gaming and non-medical applications of BCI, as well as mobile Augmented Reality games. Once again, we believe that our approaches that merge the physical and the virtual world may enhance the user experience. Exploring such a domain will raise numerous scientific and technological questions.