Section: New Results

Verification of Avionic Security Protocols

Participant : Bruno Blanchet.

Within the ANR project AnaStaSec, we studied an air-ground avionic security protocol, the ARINC823 public key protocol  [41]. We verified this protocol both in the symbolic model of cryptography, using ProVerif, and in the computational model, using CryptoVerif. While this study confirmed the main security properties of the protocol (entity and message authentication, secrecy), we found several weaknesses and imprecisions in the standard. We proposed fixes for these problems. This work appears in [27], [38].

We also verified the ATN Secure Dialogue protocol (ICAO 9880-IV  [42]), which is currently under development. We verified it using ProVerif and CryptoVerif. While we confirmed the main security properties of the intended protocol, we found several incoherences, weaknesses, and imprecisions in the draft standard. We proposed fixes for these problems. We presented this work to the ICAO Secure Dialogue Subgroup (September 2017).