Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Research Program

Biological and biophysical models and spatial statistics for quantitative bioimaging

A number of stochastic mathematical models were proposed to describe various intracellular trafficking, where molecules and proteins are transported to their destinations via free diffusion, subdiffusion and ballistic motion representing movements along the cytoskeleton networks assisted by molecular motors. Accordingly, the study of diffusion and stochastic dynamics has known a growing interest in bio-mathematics, biophysics and cell biology with the popularization of fluorescence dynamical microscopy and super-resolution imaging. In this area, the competing teams mainly studied MSD and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy methods.

In the recent period, the Serpico team achieved important results for diffusion-related dynamics involved in exocytosis mechanisms. Robustness to noise has been well investigated, but robustness to environmental effects has yet to be effectively achieved. Particular attention has been given to the estimation of particle motion regime changes, but the available results are still limited for analysing short tracks. The analysis of spatiotemporal molecular interactions from set of 3D computed trajectories or motion vector fields (e.g., co-alignment) must be investigated to fully quantify specific molecular machineries. We have already made efforts in that directions this year (e.g., for colocalization) but important experiments are required to make our preliminary algorithms reliable enough and well adapted to specific transport mechanisms.

Accordingly, we will study quantification methods to represent interactions between molecules and trafficking around three lines of research. First, we will focus on 3D space-time global and local object-based co-orientation and co-alignment methods, in the line of previous work on colocalization, to quantify interactions between molecular species. In addition, given N tracks associated to N molecular species, interaction descriptors, dynamics models and stochastic graphical models representing molecular machines will be studied in the statistical data assimilation framework. Second, we will analyse approaches to estimate molecular mobility, active transport and motion regime changes from computed trajectories in the Lagrangian and Eulerian settings. We will focus on the concept of super-resolution to provide spatially high-resolved maps of diffusion and active transport parameters based on stochastic biophysical models and sparse image representation. Third, we plan to extend the aggregation framework dedicated to optical flow to the problem of diffusion-transport estimation. Finally, we will investigate data assimilation methods to better combine algorithms, models, and experiments in an iterative and virtuous circle. The overview of ultrastructural organization will be achieved by additional 3D electron microscopy technologies.