Section: New Software and Platforms
Platform - FIT/CortexLab
FIT (Future Internet of Things) is a french Equipex (Équipement d'excellence) which aims to develop an experimental facility, a federated and competitive infrastructure with international visibility and a broad panel of customers. FIT is be composed of four main parts: a Network Operations Center (FIT NOC), a set of IoT test-beds (FIT IoT-Lab), a set of wireless test-beds (FIT-Wireless) which includes the FIT/CorteXlab platform deployed by the Socrate team in the Citi lab, and finaly a set of Cloud test-beds (FIT-Cloud). In 2014 the construction of the room was finished see Figure 5. sdr nodes have installed in the room, 42 industrial PCs (Aplus Nuvo-3000E/P), 22 NI radio boards (usrp ) and 18 Nutaq boards (PicoSDR, 2x2 and 4X4) can be programmed from internet now.
A very successfully inauguration took place int 2014 (, with the noticable venue of Vincent Poor, Dean of School of Engineering and Applied Science of Princeton University. Since that date, the platform is open to public experiments. CorteXlab has been used for innovative experiments such as Interference Alignment in Cellular Networks for Energy Efficiency Improvement demonstrated in the GreenTouch Consortium.