Section: Dissemination
Philippe Caillou, talk on quality of life at work, AFRAME association for ethic management, Paris, 28/11/2017
Isabelle Guyon: press release at NIPS conference (5/12/2015); interview l'Usine Nouvelle (12/12/2017).
Michèle Sebag: interview France 2; interview l'Usine Nouvelle; 2 articles The Conversation France.
Paola Tubaro: interview Pourquoi Docteur (online health magazine, 01/01/2017); article in Journal du CNRS (02/02/2017); op-ed Libération (02/02/2017); interview Le Devoir (daily newspaper, Canada, 29/04/2017); interview Les Echos (19/09/2017); interview Le Monde (09/11/2017); 1 article OuiShare magazine (13/07/2017); 1 article The Conversation France (French version 02/11/2017, English version 11/12/2017); round table on Open data at "Science and You" conference, Montréal (05/05/2017); round table "Cuisine and Performance" at Centre Pompidou, Paris (18/11/2017).