Section: Highlights of the Year

Organisation and Distinctions

  • Isabelle Guyon, General Chair, NIPS 2017 in Los Angleles (8000+ attendees). She also co-organized several workshops (two See.4C workshops, Connecting the dots at LAL, AutoML a ICML, BayLearn, and CiML at NIPS).

  • Flora Jay co-organized JDSE17, the second edition of the Junior Conference on Data Science and Engineering, Paris-Saclay (September 2017).

  • Yann Ollivier coordinated several events in France (workshop, public conferences, initiatives with school teachers, ...) related to Shannon100, the celebration of the Claude Shannon's hundredth birthday, a world-wide event. In particular he created a public exhibit that took place from December 2016 to April 2017 in the Musee des Arts et Metiers in Paris, with extremely positive feedback.

  • Marc Schoenauer, expert with Cédric Villani for his national mission on the French AI strategy.

  • Michèle Sebag, elected at the Académie Française des Technologies; ephemeral nominated member of the Conseil National du Numérique (Dec. 2017); member of TransAlgo; head of the DataIA Research programme.

  • Paola Tubaro organized RECSNA17, an international conference on Recent Ethical Challenges in Social Network Analysis with support from Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris-Saclay and Institute for Advanced Studies, in partnership with British Sociological Association, Association Française de Sociologie and European Network on Digital Labor.