Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Rajesh Gupta visited project-team TEA in August and gave two 68NQTR seminars on “Building Computing Machines That Sense, Adapt and Approximate” and on “Compositional Synthesis for High-level Design of System-Chips”.
Deian Stefan visited project-team TEA in September and gave a 68NQTR seminar on “Practical multi-core information flow control”
Shuvra Bhattacharyya visited project-team TEA in August and December and gave a 68NQTR seminar on “The DSPCAD Framework for Dataflow-based Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems“
Visits to International Teams
Jean-Pierre Talpin visited UC San Diego and UC Berkeley in the context of the associate-project Composite in June.
In the context of the IIP Convex, Jean-Pierre Talpin was invited at Beihang and Nanhang Universities in April, visited Beihang and Nankai Universities in July, and Beihang, Nankai and ECNU in November, to give seminars and a introductory course on model checking.
Jean-Pierre Talpin gave an invited talk on “Parametric model-checking the FTSP protocol ” at TU Wien June 30.
Simon Lunel visited CMU and UC San Diego in December to give seminars on “compositional proofs in differential dynamic logic”.