Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Xerox Research Center Europe

Participants : Cordelia Schmid, Vasileios Choutas, Philippe Weinzepfel [Naver] .

The collaboration with Xerox has been on-going since October 2009 with two co-supervised CIFRE scholarships (2009–2012; 2011-2014). Starting June 2014 we signed a third collaborative agreement for a duration of three years. The goal is to develop approaches for deep learning based image description and pose estimation in videos. Jakob Verbeek (Inria) and Diane Larlus (XRCE) jointly supervise a PhD-level intern for a period of 6 months in 2016-2017. XRCE then became Naver in 2017 and the collaboration is still on-going, see next paragraph.