Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
C. Schmid. General Chair European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2020.
C. Schmid. Co-organizer for Workshop on Frontiers of Video Technology, San Jose, 2017.
J. Mairal. Member of the organizing committee of the Journées SMAI-MODE, which will take place in March 2018.
G. Rogez. Co-organizer of the CVPR workshop on Observing and Understanding Hands in Action (HANDS 2017).
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
C. Schmid. Area chair for ICCV 2017, NIPS 2017, ICML 2018, and ECCV 2018.
J. Mairal. Area chair for ICML 2017, NIPS 2017, and ICML 2018.
The permanent members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous international conferences in computer vision and machine learning: CVPR, ECCV, NIPS, ICML.
Member of the Editorial Boards
C. Schmid: Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Computer Vision, since 2013.
C. Schmid: Associate editor for Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, since 2005.
J. Mairal: Associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), since 2015.
J. Mairal: Senior associate editor for IEEE Signal Processing Letters, since Feb 2015 (editor since Aug. 2014).
J. Mairal: Associate editor of Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (JMIV), since 2015.
J. Mairal: Associate editor of the SIAM Journal of imaging science, since 2018.
J. Verbeek: Associate editor for Image and Vision Computing Journal, since 2011.
J. Verbeek: Associate editor for the International Journal on Computer Vision, since 2014.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
The permanent members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous international journals in computer vision (IJCV, PAMI,CVIU), machine learning (JMLR, Machine Learning). Some of them are also reviewing for journals in optimization (SIAM Journal on Optimization, Mathematical Programming), image processing (SIAM Imaging Science).
Invited Talks
K. Alahari. Invited speaker at ETH Zurich Photogrammetry group retreat, Morzine, France, January 2017.
G. Durif. Invited speaker at the “StatOmique” meeting, Paris. March 2017.
J. Mairal. Invited speaker at Journées franco-chiliennes d'optimisation. Toulouse, July 2017.
J. Mairal. Invited speaker at the large-scale and distributed optimization workshop, Lund, June 2017.
J. Mairal. Invited speaker at Pattern recognition and computer vision colloquium, Prague, May 2017.
J. Mairal. Invited speaker at the optimization and statistical learning workshop, Les Houches, April 2017.
G. Rogez. Invited speaker at Journées CNRS-GDR Isis, Telecom PariTech, December 2017.
J. Verbeek. Invited talk at Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, June 2017.
J. Verbeek. Invited talk at Technicolor, Rennes, January 2017.
H. Lin. Invited talk in mini-symposium. SIAM Optimization conference. May 2017.
R. Klokov: Invited talk at ICCV workshop Learning to See from 3D Data.
C. Schmid: Keynote speaker at ECML-PKDD 2017, Skopje, September 2017.
C. Schmid: Keynote speaker at Gresti 2017, Juan-les-Pins, September 2017.
C. Schmid: Invited speaker at Workshop on YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding, in conjunction with CVPR'17, July 2017.
C. Schmid: Invited speaker at Women in Computer Vision Workshop, in conjunction with CVPR'17, July 2017.
C. Schmid: Invited speaker at 1st Workshop on Target Re-Identification and Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking, in conjunction with CVPR'17, July 2017.
C. Schmid: Invited speaker at Chalearn Looking at People Workshop, in conjunction with CVPR'17, July 2017.
C. Schmid: Invited speaker at Frontiers of Video Technology, July 2017.
C. Schmid: Invited speaker at Korean Conference on Computer Vision, Seoul, June 2017.
C. Schmid: Keynote speaker at Swedish Symposium on Deep Learning, Stockholm, June 2017.o Invited speaker at Russian Summit “Machines Can See”, Moscow, June 2017.
C. Schmid: Seminar at Intel Network on Intelligent Systems, Munich, August 2017.
C. Schmid: Speaker at Distinguished Seminar Series in Computing, Imperial College, London, June 2017.
C. Schmid: Seminar at “10 ans de l'ERC à Inria”, Paris, Mars 2017.
Scientific Expertise
C. Schmid: Award committee member for Oréal-UNESCO award France for Women in Sciences 2017.
J. Mairal: panel member of a funding agency for the 2018 call (confidential information at the moment).
J. Mairal: member of the PGMO best PhD prize committee in 2017.
Research Administration
C. Schmid: Member of the “Comité scientifique”, Inria Grenoble, since 2015.
C. Schmid: Member of board of directors of the Computer Vision Foundation (CVF), since 2016.
C. Schmid is member of the PAMI-TC awards committee, and the PAMI-TC executive commitee.
J. Verbeek: Scientific correspondent national project calls, Inria Grenoble.