Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Tung Vu Xuan

    • Date: 1 May 2016 – 30 April 2017

    • Institution: JAIST

    • Host: Pascal Fontaine

    Tung Vu Xuan is a PhD student at JAIST, Japan. He was visiting VeriDis in the context of the KANASA project. He works mainly on Interval Constraint Propagation (ICP), a heuristic but powerful method for satisfiability checking of non-linear arithmetic (NLA) constraints. During his stay, we investigated techniques to combine ICP with decision procedures for NLA within an SMT context, and adapted the subtropical method from computer algebra to the context of SMT. This work is relevant for the SMArT and SC2 projects.

  • Andrew J. Reynolds

    • Date: 16 July 2017 – 17 September 2017

    • Institution: The University of Iowa

    • Host: Pascal Fontaine

    Andrew J. Reynolds is a Research Scientist at the University of Iowa and one of main developers of the award-winning Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver CVC4. His current research interests include implementing techniques in SMT solvers for unbounded strings and regular expressions, first-order quantified formulas and synthesis conjectures. He was an Inria invited researcher for two months in Nancy. We continued working on quantifier handling for SMT, along the lines of [20], and studied enumerative instantiation. This work contributes to the Matryoshka, SMArT and SC2 projects.


  • Poonam Kumari

    • Date: 1 March – 31 July

    • Institution: Université de Lorraine (Erasmus Mundus DESEM)

    • Host: Stephan Merz

    Poonam Kumari worked on a translation from a restricted subset of TLA+ specifications into the input language of the Cubicle model checker for array-based parameterized systems.